Grammatical Annoyances


Well-Known Member
i smoke too much to worry bout some spelling,,,,i mean are we getting a grade pvs????im outta school,,,,ill tell u wat i told my eng. teacher,,,,,im going home to smoke and get some punany,u worry bout ii spelling,,,,,,and thats why they kicked i out,lol

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
My biggest pet peeve is when people say "Where is it at?" or " irregardless" You don't need to dangle your prepositions. Always correcting people on that one including my boss. Daughter of English Professor and Masters of Library Sciences regards

Wow roach you’re a real stickler, but MS word found no grammatical, or spelling errors in your post! Congrats!
i know that most of my post..well all of my post are hard to read
but hell i still try..not all of us are english magers ( sorry if i spelled that wrong also )
i dont know how to put everything together
but since i know this i try to at least spell it out or word it in a way to where yall can atleast
understand what im trying to say..
now i caint speel for shit..
but that dont effect the way that i talk..

This post is full of errors, but I can’t spell to save my life. Download Google Toolbar – it has a spellchecker.

My biggest pet peeve is lazy tying like wot, instead of what?

wow, how ironic i was going to post about my pet peeve

and went to the last page to post it and low and behold

the last post ACTUALLY contains said peeve.

the correct use of the phrase is: "couldnt care less"

NOT "could care less". if you could care less- this

literally means you CARE A LITTLE BIT.

no big deal-but it does make you look ignorant.

P.S. ( i dont use caps, and like to write with run-on sentences so im not perfect either)

sarcasm, i really could care less if you correct people. the nazi part was a joke. i am sure you knew this with the that engorged, pulsing brain.[/QU

I’ve also struggled with this one also, but couldn’t, “couldn’t care less” mean that you already care so little, you couldn’t care any less? But I’m not sure on this lol (I started a sentence with the word “But” uh oh)


Active Member
i smoke too much to worry bout some spelling,,,,i mean are we getting a grade pvs????im outta school,,,,ill tell u wat i told my eng. teacher,,,,,im going home to smoke and get some punany,u worry bout ii spelling,,,,,,and thats why they kicked i out,lol
i'm assuming you're rastafari. if so thats technically another language and beyond the bounds of proper english grammar, so don't sweat it.
you get a B- for good effort.


Well-Known Member
Lighten up just a little. Remember, grammatical errors can be their own art form. Remember Archie Bunker? "I just don't want you to do nothing on the sperm of the moment." Or how about this classic, "Hell hath no fury like a woman's corns." And who can forget the classic, "My doctor tells me I got a communications disease."
Other fine artist include: Dan Quayle - "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is."
GW Bush - "Anyone engaging in illegal financial transactions will be caught and persecuted."
Al Gore - "A zebra does not change its spots"
And more are made every day...
love the al gore one. i think it's hilarious when peolpe use a common saying and get it wrong! i love the george bush " you misunderstimate me all the time."

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
their there and they're

your and you're

run on sentences.

wall of text.

there are many more.

some threads i will leave after reading half a "sentence".