Grampa's next toad stranglin' CFL grow - Indica and sativa


Active Member
Had some seeds that got wet and germinated when my house flooded. one indica and one sativa. I was going to throw them away but decide what the hell. Ill hook some CFLs and see how they do.

Soil - 40% perlite, 30% homemade compost, 20% vermiculite, 10% worm castings. This is one of my favorite mixes for soil grows and it has never failed me. It makes nice, soft soil for root development and hold just enough moisture. Nutes will be coming soon very soon.

Lights - 4 100w replacement CFLs 6500k. I could use more light but Ive never grown with so little light and want to see what I can get away with. Ill move them into a larger room when the other grow is done vegging.

Temps and pH are good.

First the pure indica - We call it Ginger or Georgia depending on the day. This plant split naturally at the 5th node but i topped both of those and they are growing again this morning.
2012-04-09_08-44-00_968.jpgDay 9
2012-04-10_08-36-22_944.jpgDay 10
2012-04-11_06-49-02_268.jpgDay 11 (take note of its cute little baby leaves)
2012-04-23_15-47-58_700.jpg2012-04-23_15-50-07_75.jpgDay 23

Next up the sativas - its been in my arsenal for a while and no one remembers the exact origin but i love it. This one was also topped a two days ago.
2012-04-09_08-43-32_928.jpgDay 9
2012-04-10_08-22-21_174.jpgDay 10
2012-04-11_06-48-47_331.jpgDay 11
2012-04-23_15-53-33_75.jpg2012-04-23_15-54-30_918.jpgDay 23 (a little LST keeps them under the lights)



Well-Known Member
As one grandpa to another way to turn lemons into lemonade.:bigjoint:Hey you were not suppose to tell people about the limp thing!!


Active Member
Oh yea. I nearly forgot about this journal thing. Here are these two plants at day 21 of of flowering. i moved them under my T5 since i just chopped the plants that used to be in there.

The kush is in the lower left and the sativa is in the back. You can tell because the sativa has grown up a little taller/bigger than the other.

2012-06-28_10-09-02_941.jpg Day 21 Flowering
2012-06-28_10-09-20_747.jpg Same shot different light
2012-06-28_10-11-30_260.jpg The kush Day 21 of flowering


Active Member
I have seen a few people asking what strain their plants are so I thought Id help by posting pictures from my current grow.

The blades on sativa leaves are typically thinner and more numerous than Indica leaf blades.

The one on the right is is the indica and the left is the sativa.
View attachment 2233267


Active Member
Tiny little black jumping spiders

so these little buggers are running all over my plants right now. They have already eaten a few gnats(i dont have a gnat problem) im guessing that free pest control is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Grampa, Been awhile!! The plants are still looking good. As long as they don't put webs all over your plants....Got to watch they spider types!!


Active Member
You got a nice crop there pal, you're an inspiration to us all! I know one day, when I'm older and it's hard to find weed on the street, I'm going to have my own personal garden. Keep living my dream and I'll keep working towards it. :leaf: Smoke on brotha'.


Active Member
Thanks, BS.

Roofwayne, good to see you still kicking around here. I checked out your grow too. Looking good!


Active Member
I got the last pictures up about a week later than they were taken so today is the start of week 5 Flowering. Not a lot has changed. Just bigger buds and very few orange orange pistils. The buds are just starting to fill out and get a little plump.

My hempy pH has taken a swing for the acidic so im flushing and resetting it to where the plants need it to be. We dont want any crispy leaves popping up here!


Active Member
plants look great, how tall have they gotten? Lots of nice buds for seeds you were going to trash.
The are pretty good sized now. Without the screen(scrog) I would say that they would be near 3.5 feet tall. They got big enough that I was concerned about them out growing my screen. I dont typically need a lot of bud so i try to keep my grows even smaller than this one but I am enjoying this one and the idea of jars and jars of medicine coming my way.


Well-Known Member
Looking good gramp's..Don't let on about us faking a limp,lmao....Good to see folks our age still toking/growing... sub & rep...Those girl are looking lovely..peace...:bigjoint:


Active Member
Holy cow man. :D For being into the 4th week of flowering those ladies, they seem quite far along! What's your expected time of harvest considering how far along they already are?