Grams per watt

This simply won't work. You won't get any grams per watt IMO. Plants will be root bound for one thing.
A root bound plant is a plant with with root issues but its not anything to do with age but simple bad media choices for a plant that age, soils become hydrophobic, roots die and decompose naturally... if you are not using an enzyme to aid in decomposition you can run into lots of problems. Mainly bad bacteria, microbes and pH fluctuations all fixable as long as the problem is understood

Pots that air prune dont have these issues. And theirs so much available oxygen in grodan cubes because of the way it wicks (bug suprise its a preasure system and uses gravity) and holds water pressure
A root bound plant is a plant with with root issues but its not anything to do with age but simple bad media choices for a plant that age, soils become hydrophobic, roots die and decompose naturally... if you are not using an enzyme to aid in decomposition you can run into lots of problems. Mainly bad bacteria, microbes and pH fluctuations all fixable as long as the problem is understood

Pots that air prune dont have these issues. And theirs so much available oxygen in grodan cubes because of the way it wicks (bug suprise its a preasure system and uses gravity) and holds water pressure
Well I don't think the available root mass will be able to support a plant for 16+ weeks. We shall see I guess.
Root mass = fruit mass IMO. Limiting the root mass is basically defeating the purpose of the long veg.

Im only shootong for 2 ozs a veg is for design/structure not crazy yields...but think about it 6in cube 2 ozs 4 in a square foot, 200grams + a sq foot...

I can yield 300 easy from a 5 gallon, a 6in grodan cubes hold about as much water as a 2 gallon smart pot. Size of coontainer < amount of water a media can hold.

Water is food, healthy roots its just a healthy plant. Should be healthy

60 grams a plant dude...easy

Weight is a metric of volume of food fed over time over available light.

This translates with plant health , growth and yield
When turns, imma set it up for this unobtainium challenge from the LED army

And if none of you can agree to set terms ill just do 100 plants of one strian in 8 in cubes and go buck wild

Terms? What praytell do you mean? You are asking us to set what terms?
Terms? What praytell do you mean? You are asking us to set what terms?
Ok keep up.

I'm going to show 3 grams is easy.

I find it very funny that you all cant grasp these simply techniques. So ill show.

I was giving bk69 the option to set certian conditions, you too if you want, of the grow..

I.E.. number of plants length of veg.... even which strain...