Grand daddy purple clones


Well-Known Member
Im going to get a very small amount of bud off of my 2 grand daddy purple plants im starting to think.The quality is going to be A- or b+ i think.



Well-Known Member
im hella high right now off some uncured just dryed grand daddy purple i killed at like 52 days i think recommended time was 60 but i couldnt wait i also killed my pure plants just couldnt wait and i took a nug off my pot of gold that i want to let go to like 70 days maybe the pog nugs not in the pic.
i have it dried and curing now but i purposely left out some gdp to get really dry so i could try it and its pretty good especially for uncurred and also early lol



Well-Known Member
oh yeah and i moved my plants to my uninsulated garage and started using purple maxx to see if my plants would go purple lol my grand daddy purple was purple and would of probably gotten purpler if i let it go longer the pure wasnt and the pog arent changing colors either lol but yeah the grand daddy purple is supposed to turn purple in late maturity anyways i think


Well-Known Member
heres the main part of the bud i pinched off my pot of gold plant its like 8 or 9 grams im guessing but no scale but my guess should be close i think and i thin the nug in the pic will be like a quarter ounce after its slow dryed and cured!and there was like another 2 grams or so(not completely completely dry yet) on the same branch this nug came from but i cut them off and have them in another jar



Well-Known Member
all together my pot of gold should give me at least an ounce or two while my 2 gdps and 3 pure plants that were only clones and my pog was a mother gave me just like a littles less than 2 or maybe even only 1 i dont konw really cuz ive been smoking it like crazy allready hahahaha but yeah i noticed my pot of gold looks like its turning purple so i cant fucking wait to have some purple pot of gold and if it starts going purple i might let it go for an extra week or two to get the full color change i want,seriously my grand daddy purple is tasty uncured allready i cant wait to taste my own cured weed but i dont know maybe everyone thinks there own first real crop is dank even if its not but i think mine is yeah i know it is lol


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and i think tha if i would of waited to chop the gdp and pure for another week or two and then finish the pot of gold completely that i would of had 4-6 ounces and if i had used the fox farms big bloom and tiger bloom earlier but oh while i think i still will have gotten like 3 ounces once the pot of gold is done .I was expecting my weed not to be so good but i thought i was going to get alot more but it was a good learning experiece and fun .


Well-Known Member
i think i spent about 500$ on this but now i have set of cfls for veggin and a hps/mh swithchable 400watt for both and i have nutrients left over and in that 500$ im including the cost of 4 other clones i have vegging now so i think i still got alot more than what i payed for but this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit takes toooooooooo long ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
heres some pics of pure and gdp mostly pure i allready smoked like at least a half ounce of gdp uncured like all of it didnt make it to curing but im going to wait to cure the other stuff



Well-Known Member
oh yeah and ive notice that my crop has become seeded which to some people is a HORRIBLE thing but to me it would of been good but cuz i harvested early the seeds are small and i dont know if they will be any goood but im also expecting my pot of gold to have seeds since it was grow with the other plants that became seeded somehow they were all clones from the club i must of turned one hermie so that will be cool if like my gdp or pure pollinates my pot of gold.So yeah im expecting good seeds from my pot of gold and i if would of waited on my other five i would of had some gdp and pure seeds but idk maybe the little seeds will germinate and sprout(not just little a little premature ) ?oh yeah and my buds not that seeded its not a big deal if the seeds from the 5 plants that are small work ill be extremely happy to have these seeds from these plants and HOW SEEDY WILL MY POT OF GOLD LIKELY GET does anyone know?


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of a sour dieseil clone ive had for like 2 months in a 3 gallon pot just repotting it to a 7 gallon and took a pic with the root ball out of pots lol



Active Member
1 gram per watt says the beloved cannabis grow bible, if done right.. I too have cfls vegging my bc mangos. 400w hps to flower them! Good luck!!! Cfls probably won't yeild a gram per watt, hard to say!


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of a purple kush clone im going to flower under 400 watt hps to itself i bought it at a medical club like 8-10 weeks ago and more pics of 3 other clones i got the same time another pot of gold a sour dieseil and a grapefruit kush,and i know eww 3rd pic in the bathroom but thats not my only bathroom and i cleaned it first and im not using it while i vegg those in there lol



Well-Known Member
im going for like 2+ ounces off this purple kush i have flowering. in the 2nd pic it shows my arm and hand holding a bottle of doctor doom to show how big it is and the last pic shows my hand and fingers with the stem i thinks getting nice and fat.

i just switched 12/12 last night
im using purple maxx in like a month and ive allready used grow big big bloom and tiger bloom on it and im going to be using tiger bloom only for the next couple of weeks .
its in a 7 gallon pot.