Grand Daddy Purple S.O.G. Journal


i turned off the light at 8 o clock this morning, cleaned the inside and outside of the cool tube and put in brand new 1000w HPS bulb. the light came on at 8pm and i took few pics as it came on.. they are standing tall!!!


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Granddaddy Purple SOG Nutrient Chart

Day 1-7

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
600 ppm Flora Nova Grow

Day 8-14

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
650 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Day 14-21

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
750 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Day 22-28

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
850 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Day 29-41

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
1000 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Day 42-50

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
1050 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Day 51-60

i made some changes to the nutrient chart, i realized these plants are sucking up the nutes like crazy and i think i can pump it up..

Granddaddy Purple SOG Nutrient Chart

Day 1-7

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
500 ppm Flora Nova Grow
250 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Total: 850 ppm

Day 8-14

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
850 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Total: 950 ppm

Day 14-21

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
950 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Total: 1050 ppm

Day 22-28

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
1050 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Total:1150 ppm

Day 29-41

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
1100 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Total:1200 ppm

Day 42-50

1-3ml/gal H2O2
1 Tsp/gal Hygrozyme
1 Tsp/gal Flora Blend
1100 ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Total: 1100

Day 51-60

May I ask, what did you think of the Strawberry Cough?

Taste, high, potency. Is it a clear up high, or mix?
Thanks in advance!
Well i must say im gonna be watching this one too...
Soil, no veg, and s.o.g., thats basiclly the oppisite of how ive grown (but i cant say much i havnt gotten over an Oz before).
I got robed a few months back and just moved so im lookin to start fresh, ill see how you do and might just have to make my own version.

:peace: May the weed gods be with you.bongsmilie
Well i must say im gonna be watching this one too...
Soil, no veg, and s.o.g., thats basiclly the oppisite of how ive grown (but i cant say much i havnt gotten over an Oz before).
I got robed a few months back and just moved so im lookin to start fresh, ill see how you do and might just have to make my own version.

:peace: May the weed gods be with you.bongsmilie

And may the weed gods be with all. sorry to hear that you got robbed. check out my thread on sound control you never know who can hear you..

MY OPINION IS; that Sea Of Green is the best way to grow. highest harvest:time ratio.

May I ask, what did you think of the Strawberry Cough?

Taste, high, potency. Is it a clear up high, or mix?
Thanks in advance!

"The "Strawberry Cough" genetics are of North American origin and partly uniquely European. "Strawberry Cough" is a hybrid between an Indica and a Sativa. From this hybrid we made a selection having about 80% Sativa influences. We have used this selection for the production of our "Strawberry Cough" [COLOR=gray ! important][COLOR=gray ! important]Seeds[/COLOR][/COLOR]. Our "Production and Research Team" has succeeded in creating the fruitiest variety imaginable. The fresh strawberry taste and aroma are very evident and wonderful to experience. Strawberry has an "up high" effect of medium THC -strength. The plants are beautiful to look at. The total flowerin ...continued

Strawberry Cough from Dutch Passion

Grower reports: 2 Viewed: 148,888 times Rated by 2 users: 7.07/10
'Strawberry Cough' from Dutch Passion

Lineage: Clone Originating from the Northeastern USA
Family: Unknown or mixed family
Origin: North America
Region: Not Listed
Genotype: Mixed, primarily Sativa
Indoor Maturation: 75 to 80 days
Outdoor Maturation: Oct 1 to Oct 15
Sex Possibilities: Feminized (mostly female)
Stature: Average size
Yield: Not Listed
Odor Level: Not Listed
Odor Description: Not Listed
Taste Level: Not Listed
Taste Description: Not Listed " copied from WeedBay.Net - 1000 types of marijuana strains | Medical Marijuana Card | Medical Marijuana NEWS | medical marijuana coop club dispensary map - Strains - Strawberry Cough from Dutch Passion

MY OPINION IS: that strawberry cough is GOOD in Sea of Green style settings.. it is a high yielder and produced more than any other bud i have grown. on the downside, no matter how long you veg it takes a few extra weeks to finish than most strains.

I was very tasty and smooth, i dried it for a few days longer than normal and it was very satisfying(even though i didnt smoke much of it).
lookin good.. no water today i gave them what was on the schedule as of yesterday.. here is some more pics..


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no water today they are still doing good.. soil is moist.

more pics as lights come on..


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starting to stretch... giving them nutes in couple minutes.


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nice setup bro. looks awesome. can't wait to see your plants aftera couple more weeks in flowering. quick question. did you go to 2-600W hps or you stick with the 1000W? just curious. happy growing! :blsmoke:
Very nice ... Can I ask you about your bulb type and your strain ?

nice setup bro. looks awesome. can't wait to see your plants aftera couple more weeks in flowering. quick question. did you go to 2-600W hps or you stick with the 1000W? just curious. happy growing! :blsmoke:

Thanx for the response guys. I am using a 1000w High Pressure Sodium Lamp. The bulb is Hortilux. The strain i am growing is Grand Daddy Purple.
so i am starting a Sea of Green grow once again. i drove to San Fransisco today and got some GDP clones (40). they look great! i will be getting the clones into a medium in the morning and updating this journal every 24 hours until harvest!

but before i get started i want to know what type of medium you guys would like me to use..

(1) 6" rockwool cubes in 4x4 ebb and flow tray
(2) 6" pots with rockwool mini cubes in 4x4 ebb and flow tray
(3) 6" pots with Fox Farm Ocean Forest (My Fav, So Tasty)

..this will be under an air cooled magnetic 1000w HPS..
..or if everyone wants i will use 2x air cooled digital 600w HPS

those look exactly like my gdp clones i got in san francisco like a week ago at Bay area safe alternatives on grove street.
Is that where u got those cuz they look exactly the