Well looks like GR will finally have provision centers for medical only soon. Why even approve recreational if all the city's in West Michigan are banning rec despinseries any way. GR hasn't yet but I'll bet money they also do. SMH
Yea but even the provision centers if that’s gonna last Will have to have meds tested, and imagine the cost of an oz. Grand Rapids Area is to stuckup and Christian, I say vote them out of office.
True I’m not big at all
I went from 12 hps to 9 gravitas and produce 14-16 every other month. Anything bigger than I’d have to hire help. And what’s low overhead lol my electric bill alone is 1800 a month not including coco
14 to 16 what? And you don't need help with 9 lights? You must spend a month trimming on you own. I used to trim all my outdoor myself and it took 3 weeks. Boy are you sick of trimming after 3 damn weeks.lol