Grandaddy purp outdoor grow pics!


Active Member
nice plants norcal, yours seem to be doing much better than my grand daddy clones. I put the first one in about 3 weeks ago and the 2nd about 2 weeks ago and they have barely grown, only some bottom leaves, which don't matter that much. My church plant is 4 times the size of the grand daddy clones and when I got them they were 4 times the size of the church plant. I also had a blue dream clone about 1 1/2 feet tall and someone stole that, so i won't be going to my second spot this year. fuckin sucks. stay high


Well-Known Member
Hey G37kush thanks for joining to answer your question i put 1 tsp of grow big per gallon along with about 5 Tablespoons in a 7 gallon container and 1 teaspoon per gallon of soil for the marine crusine when you start growing more you will be able to tell when your plants need food sometimes i feed less more all depends on how the girls are looking and how they react to the food hope that helps. Gr33ncrack ya man half of my clones at my second plot were shitty and grew slow thats what happens with clones some have alot of vigor and grow quick and others stay small i bought 15 mango clones and 15 Blue Dragon clones and only put half of them in because i like to pick out the ones that are going to strive but thats what happens with clones man i had the same problem the only advice i can give you next time is get more clones and pick the ones that are growing the most and putting out alot of roots thats what i did they looked like shit when i got them and had barely any roots next year i will veg for a month under a 600 watt grow light as next year will be 100 grandaddy purps as i am really impressed with them already have a 2,000 grow budget and im 18 i work my ass off and invest money you gotta spend money to make money 2 pallents of fox farms next year plus $500 on the clones and 500 for gas in my big truck to haul all that shit out there going to be looking into a gas powered pump and irrigation also cant wait im good at what i do why put my skill to waste!


Well-Known Member
ya marine crusine is bad ass man im so impressed with it but if you cant afford it or dont want to spend the money you will still get huge plants mine were 5 feet last year with like a 1/4 bag of fox farms in a hole and only using grow big and tiger bloom its all about how you want to do it man i like to use everything but thats just me always thriving to do better :)


Active Member
Thanx for th reply norcal. Do you see dramatic changes in density or color of the plant when you used all the solubles compared to last year when u didn't use marine cuisine and solubles? Roots are slowly coming out of the bottom of the block. Should I wait a couple days when I water next to transplant it outside? Or should I keep them under 24hr light until I want to flower then put them outside for 12/12? I'm most likely leaning towards getting the solubles later when I'm ready to flower. But I'll get a bag of that marine cuisine since you said it works too.


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd ad a pic of my prettiest GDP. They definitly need max sunlight; I have another one thats getting some shade and already had some rot on the lowest shoots. I may grow a couple hunge of these cause they're lo profile next year if the product is superior. Yours lookin good.


Well-Known Member
g37kush i would wait till theres more roots comming out the bottom of the rockwool cube then switch the lights to 18/6 and when ready tranplant outdooors they will flower if you go from 24 hours a day of light to say 13. Well im seing alot faster growth and yes the leaves look alot more of a lush green then they did last year plus the stocks are getting huge you would be set with marine crusine and the liguid nutes and you would be set idk about the solubles never used them before so we will see but really all you need its the marine crusine and liguid nutes man to be honest unless you want to spend alittle extra cash? Markaic that grandaddy is looking awesome whats nutes you feeding that girl?


Well-Known Member
Nothin special right now. I alternate between liquid seaweed and miracle gro all purpose just because that's what I have. I have a bunch of good organic hydro-esque stuff for flowering. I wish all my GDP's were as big as the one in the pic.


Well-Known Member
ya man i know what you mean but each plant grows diffrent i guess. God alot of people are getting busted lately sketchy shit!


Active Member
Should I put them in 5 gal pots with marine cuisine and ffof? Since I'm keeping indoors for awhile. Or the rockwool is fine for now?


Active Member

Sweet thread. Those girls should be some monsters with that FFOF and the size of the holes, haha. I'm using FF Grow Big right now for vegging and plan on getting some of that Marine Cuisine asap. I like the fact that its time release, which really helps when you got a guerrilla grow op that you can't visit all the time.

GDP is some yummy shit, Ill stay tuned!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks all should be going out tommorow to water and i will update :) ya these plants should be huge they take so much soil but i think the insanly big holes are paying off! i am really impressed with how well the fox farms line of nutes and soil works you cant go wrong!