Grapefruit Grow-Help?


Hey everybody I'm here to share my success/failure of my first grow, grapefruit. Its now 5/6 weeks old, 2 weeks since i got it. It is a female plant soil grown, 2 flouros bout 60 watts 3200 lumens its on 18/6 with 3 hours being direct sunlight in the mornings. Ive added no nutrients yet water only when needed. Despite other growers telling me i HAVE to add this I HAVE to add that, my plant is looking really freakin awesome, although im not sure when i should put her on 12/12, im not trying to grow a huge plant, this strain grows in one cola, but i am looking for a decent yeild, i would be satisfied with at least 10 grams. SO how do my expectations and my plant match up so far? When should I put her on 12/12? A week? two?
Plant A Week 1.jpgGrapefruit- Ist re-pot (droopy leaves).jpgGrapefruit.jpg1006102129b.jpg1008101001.jpg1011101810.jpg1011101816a.jpg1011101817.jpg
I'd say you give her about two or maybe even more ( use miracle grow while in this stage , follow instructions. Over fertilizing is BAD). Trust me , its worth the wait. Your plant is looking nice. I would look into adding more light ( more light = more BUD ) , coating your walls with mylar or aluminum ( same concept as before ), and adding a fan ( fans make your plant grow straighter and stronger ). Also once your plant starts to bud or maybe even know you can trim some of your larger fan leaves. This will allow more light to get to your other branches and nodes.


Thanks 420. Its been growing noticeably everyday now, im going to give it another week and see how much it grows by then, my target size is about a foot and a half, would that be around 10 grams? Theres a pretty nice breeze in my room so ima save myself some money and manage without a fan. And for aluminum, the grocery store kind is ok right?
Thanks 420. Its been growing noticeably everyday now, im going to give it another week and see how much it grows by then, my target size is about a foot and a half, would that be around 10 grams? Theres a pretty nice breeze in my room so ima save myself some money and manage without a fan. And for aluminum, the grocery store kind is ok right?
Yeah you should get about 10 grams from that size of a plant , if not more. But yeah the grocery store kind is fine. Just try not to wrinkle the foil when you put it up , it makes hot spots which burns your plant. (BAD) For future grows go to lowes or home depo and get mylar. Its cheap , dosnt wrinkle , much easier to work with.


Active Member
thats mostly for hydro growers using rockwool cubes...they can mold easily under all the light and water being sucked into it...

i'm growing grapefruit right now btw...check out the journal!!


Thanks, ill be sure to check out your grow. My plant is now about a foot tall and i was wondering how much bud it would produce if i flowered it now?