Gravity and purple Maxx by humboldt countys own.


Active Member
I am using a new product called purple max by humboldt countys own. which is supposed to make nutrients more available as well as a bunch of other good things.

Eel River Hydroponics: Product Info.

It recommends using gravity in conjuction for the last 3 weeks of budding.

Now using purple max by itself it says to use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. However when i read the gravity container, right above where it says "DO NOT USE TOO MUCH!!!" it says that best results are when using with 2-3 teaspoons of purple max per gallon. Now that seems odd that i would use 4-6X as much purple max when using gravity as well? I thought if anything it would be the opposite.

Anyone using these products have any info for me? I should stick to the bottle of course but what bottle?

EDIT: I thought this was interesting as well.[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

"Sometimes better results are obtained by adding 2 heaping tablespoons of
molasses per 25 gallons of water."


Active Member
I didn't get any color change unfortunately. But then again i was only growing one strain with purple characteristics. But on the positive side I have been told the most color change was due to foliar feeding. This i didn't do. I am was too concerned about mold to foliar feed.

However the buds i grew this year were much more dense and crystalized. I blame this on the purple max and gravity. As well as a nice blend of foxfarm products. Big bloom, tiger bloom, beasty bloom, and towards the end i used cha-ching. Also i gave the molasses a shot and i didn't see any harm done, but then again i didn't see much weight added either. But how do you tell?


Well-Known Member
To see color change foliar feed with purple maxx and soil feed, gravity hardener works best when soil fed; however works good for foliar feeding the top buds as well. I also use snow storm ultra which drastically incresed my thc content, awesome! I use botanicaire nuts till I introduce gravity and purple maxx at the same times. I have grown three batches with this stuff and always see the results needed or wanted
You really want to make your buds purple make sure the air temp in the room for the last week or so dropps to 50 degrees i leave my intake fan on 24/7 even during the dark period and my purple stuff looks like black lavander now i live in the nw and our tempature is between 40 and 60 degrees so it works here if you live in a warmer climate try using a air conditioner I never used the purple max i do use the gravity and it really works i use general hyrdroponics base micro / grow/ bloom / when they transition to veg i use those three and add greenfuse root and growth stimulator 10 to 14 days in veg then i only use maxibloom powder and greenfuse bloom stimulator and flouricious plus for 5 weeeks trying to stay 1000 ppm the last 3 weeks i add the gravity to the mix and makes nice firm nuggs full of ooy gooy good ness


can you use all three with advance nutrients like bud candy and fulvic and humic acid with gravity and purple maxx ? and do you still use the base nutrient?


Active Member
Did you see any kinda difference tho.I got some Grand daddy purple clones and really wanna bring out the purple in it,will this work?
i was told that purple maxx is to be used with strains that have the purple in there genetics .. and if they have that the purple max will bring out the purple in them .. thats wat my friend told me .. and he owns the hydro store i go to so i get sick deals.. i actualy went with snow storm ultra instead of purple max because only had 1 purps.. and he said the snow storm ultra works like it but no purple.. just brings out alot of trichs and resin..


Active Member
So what are the ingredients in these products? I'm looking online to see how these actually work within the plant to do what they say but have found nothing. I do remember reading the back of those bottles some time ago and they said something like, "We are unsure what made the plants turn purple, but there was such a demand we had to release it."