gravity fed stealth drip irrigation

Tom Foolery

Active Member
(5) White widow, (5) Swiss cheese, (3) Master Kush, (3) Jock horror, (3) Aurora indica. All from Nirvana, all beans cracked and are well on their way in peat pots with FFOF. They will be transplanted to 20 gal. smart pots fed with (3) 1/2 GPH drippers per pot from a camo painted rubbermaid reservoir. By using a mixture of all organic soil products, and with a constant supply of moisture either from the rain or the irrigation system, I'm hoping these plants will go beyond being just OK or pretty good. My goal is to grow some truly legendary smoke, and to try to get the very best out of what the genetics have to offer. How's my driving? Anyone have any advice?


Tom Foolery

Active Member
Even though the pics show my grow cab, I consider this an outdoor grow posting b/c that's where everything except the first 2-3 weeks of growth will take place. I'm just getting 'em going, ready to transplant to the smart pots after the latest frost date. The photos are a combination of the indoor efforts and the outdoor preparation. I hadn't intended to upload them all, it just sort of happened.


Well-Known Member
Good start man, interested in seeing how it goes. your starter cab looks very simalar/same ideas as mine. Good luck.

F2H. :leaf:

Tom Foolery

Active Member
The water reservoir is on quite a steep slope, above the pots- about 10' elevation difference. I was thinking the container was too small too, but I can't believe I managed to sneak what I have now, certainly not something bigger, into the woods undetected, on a public trail for a 1/4 mile. I never did think of an excuse for carrying a camo plastic tub and a 3 gal camo container of water, out into the woods. I suppose I could say I was conducting an experiment with American red-spotted box turtles I found in the woods. I heard they are nearly as smart as dogs. Thanks for the advice.