Great Stoner Quotes

the fist time i got my old bong buddy stoned she fully tripped out thinking that my room was full of tv cameras and we were on big bother. oh shit that was funny she hid under my blanket for like half and hour before the munchies drove her out.

When we saw my mum she's taken one look at us and said "your stoned arn't you" (shes a massive smoker herself) we couldn't even answer, we tried to say no but all that came out was laughter, we laughed so hard we fell over right there in the kitchen. mum just smiled at us and told us not to eat everything in the house.:)
*Takes drink of Dr. Pepper*

I can taste.... ALL 23 FLAVORS? - Friend of mine.

"What if one day I was singing so obnoxiously that it was put on the news....... Ohh and I was singing a Slipknot song.. and the band Slipknot was on the show to tell everyone how they "feel" about my obnoxious interpretation of their song, and they actually enjoyed it, then later I rocked on stage with Slipknot. That would fucking rock." - Me cruising around town with some friends

I laughed at how stupid it was.
so we were smoking in my friends room and his dad walks in and says "It smells like Bob Marleys ass in here" laughed for about an hour
OMG, mc eddy's post reminded me of this. Three of us got stoned before going to visit our friend in the hospital. We walked through the lobby and got into an elevator. The doors closed, we stood there, then the doors opened, and we all walked out passed this nurse.

We couldn't find our friend's room, and then my brother looks out the window and says: "Dude, we're still on the first floor" We hadn't gone anywhere. The nurse pressed the button and reopened the door. We all giggled our asses off wondering what that nurse must have thought.
confucius say man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day
confucius also say, better to run behind car and be exhausted, that to run in front of car and get tired!
heres a couple for ya!

Much virtue in Herbs, little in men.
?Benjamin Franklin.

Make the most of the hemp
seed and sow it everywhere.
?George Washington​

Me and one of my buddies were in my car smoking a bowl after another. Well, my mom calls and she wants me to cut the grass. I told her i would do it so i drove him home and got up to my mom's house. Trying to act sober''

Mom: Tj, Why are your eyes so red? have you been smoking?
Me: No Mom i swear to high im not god
Mom: hahahahahahaha

she laughed so hard you wouldnt believe it!
Strother Martin, Hard times.

A black cloud rolled into town & i left with it,((morphine)).

For reference Strother is the actor who played Tommy Chong's father in Cheech & Chong up in smoke,you know,the shit finkelstien kid guy :mrgreen:
Heres a funny one, me an my friend greg were on the highway, and we were goin 70 in a 55 zone, high as kites, Greg was driving and we get pulled over, and the cop goes "Excuse me sir, lisence and reg." like usual and then he says "Sir do you relize you dont have my phone number" and we looked at each other, and the cop started laughing, walked away and got in his car, and sped off. we laughed all the way to fuckin tocobell best night ever period
friend sayd to me "Yo man, have u ever thought about the word boob? Its like, sooo, boob..... you know, with the b and the other b its like boob but boob and boob at the same time"
" yo man you know that crazy guy, with the white hair, i think his name is like Albert Einsomethingoranother? Yeah thats the kinda guy to blaze with"