Great Stoner Quotes

With out a doubt the best stoned cop encounter EVER... I'm on probation and one of the local cops comes by my house while me and a buddy are tokin.

Pig: I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd check up on you
Me: great......
Pig: (super cocky) Yeah.....I just chased down a perp a few blocks from here and decided to come on over.
Me: so uh..... you shoot him?
Pig: (not so cocky)
Me: *psh Pussy (door slams in his face)
Buddy: Did you just call that cop a pussy cause he didn't shoot the guy?
Me: yeah......I think I did.
Buddy: where did this dog come from?

By the way, where DID the dog come from?

With out a doubt the best stoned cop encounter EVER... I'm on probation and one of the local cops comes by my house while me and a buddy are tokin.

Pig: I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd check up on you
Me: great......
Pig: (super cocky) Yeah.....I just chased down a perp a few blocks from here and decided to come on over.
Me: so uh..... you shoot him?
Pig: (not so cocky)
Me: *psh Pussy (door slams in his face)
Buddy: Did you just call that cop a pussy cause he didn't shoot the guy?
Me: yeah......I think I did.
Buddy: where did this dog come from?
so me and a friend took some 2ci. were watching visuals and just finished a blunt.

me "dude. what u wanna do, lets play some frisbee or something im bored"

friend "what u mean, I got mad ill shit here, I got a xbox, i got mad games, i got poptarts, got a ipod"

me laughing mad hard core point out he just mentioned pop tarts in his electronics stuff to do list

friend "well they are mad ill"

me "doooooouuuuuussshhhhhh, jesus"

the guy was naming the reasons to not go outside and poptarts and ipod were included with xbox
"Yo... How does one fuck a fish?" -tom
"Fuck a fish, thats butter, how does one fuck an ant" -chris
"wow you guys are fuckin skilled" - Me
The grass is greener, but just as hard to grow.
- John Butler

The world has enough for every man's needs, but not enough for every man's greed.
- Ghandi

How can we help you occifer?
Man it's a good thing she didn't look in the bag.
Police: what's in the bag? (looks in the bag)
Police: why is there dogfood in this bag?
Dogfood? Oh shit what did I give my dog?
- Tommy Chong and Police in That 70's Show

And btw that quote about hands being so big is from Donna on That 70's show. Good Ep!