Great White Shark Lemon Skunk and Thai Haze x Skunk


Well-Known Member
Monday 25.8.08 - I had ordered 5x Great White Shark and 5x Lemon Skunk feminized from greenhouse seeds ( I used - real good service). Anyway we got 10 Thai haze x Skunk with our order so I figured we would grow those aswell. We put all 20 seeds between damp paper towels, in a zip lock bag to germinate. Left it in the hot water cupboard.

Wednesday 27.8.08 - We have got 100% germination rate of the Lemon Skunk and Great White shark. Quite a few of the Thai Haze have germed, a couple just slow, a couple look fucked. Anyway, of the seeds that were ready to be planted we put them in jiffy pots, and put that in a propagation unit. We had soaked the jiffy pots with water and added some Black Magic seedling fertilizer (4-14-10). In hind site I probably wouldny have given the seedlings any nutes but they seemed to like it so no harm done.

Thursday 28.8.08 - We have a few sprouts, still waiting on a few but so far so good.

Friday 29.8.08 - Nearly all have sprouted, what havent sprouted I can see poking up through the soil.

Im going to try keep this as up to date as possible. So if anyone has any advice or constructive criticism... Im all ears.



Well-Known Member
Tuesday 02.09.08 - Update: The seedlings are growing really well. We ended with an 18/20 germination/sprout rate. 2 of the Thai Haze never germed, but they were free so Im not to worried. The main thing is that all 10 of our femmed seeds germed. They are all around 8cm ( Just over 3 inches), Im only feeding them water and 24/7 under a cool white fluro light. They seem to be really loving it. Will upload some pics later on tonight.


Well-Known Member
dude can you like email me or something where you got yo seeds bro, im so sick of using bagweed foreal i want that fire
i seen after i posted this you said greenhouse but do you live in us cuz i think ive tried that maybe
my email is
or you can just tell me here if ya want
or not at all haha but it would help me out a lot


Well-Known Member
I have 2 x 400watt hps lights. I plan on using them for both veg and flower. Is that suitable? Any advice is great.

I used, nah I live in NZ, but I reckon you would be sweet. Maybe email the guy at dope seeds and ask them to hide the seeds in something. Mine came in the breeders backs, not even hidden at all and they got to me in like a week.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha thats wat I like to hear. Im not gonna ask " how much will I yield" cos there are so many variables, but I have put a lot of time, effort and money into my setup so Im sure it will pay off. Just a quick Q, I posted this elsewhere but u might be able to help me out. If I started all 18 plants indoors then when they started really growing, removed the thai haze (they were frebies, and arent femmed). Put them outdoors, finished my lemon skunk and Great white, then brought the thai haze back indoors and finished them off, would there be a problem with that? Thanks for your input, its nice to get a vote of confidence every now and then.


Well-Known Member
I took these photos when I got home from work. One of the seedlings on the outer edge had basically fallen right over trying to get its fair share of the light. I put it in the middle and straightened it up and it was sweet as. Does any one know how big I should let them get before I put them under my 400s?



Well-Known Member
Your seedlings are WAY to stretched out. Bet them out of that dome and get those flouros within 2-3 inches from the tops. That should stop them from stretching.

As for when they can hit the HPS. Give them another week; weekl and a half, let them grow 2 more sets of leaves first. When you do put them under the HPS make sure its 2-3 feet above the tops at first, then slowly lower if over a course of 2 weeks to about 12-18 inches depending on how hot your lamp is. Its something you'll have to play with to see how much your plants can handle.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to advice from Beta, I have now lowered the light closer to the plants. I can already notice the seedlings putting more energy in to growing leaves as apposed to growing up. Thanks for your help Beta.

I have uploaded photos of the new position of the light. I took the lid off the propogation unit to get the light right in there.



Well-Known Member
If you want, you can transplant them already after taking off the Screen lining.

This would be best for you now because the stems are so long. Burry the stem almost to tippy top, leaving a good half inch only. This will promote root growth from all the stem under the surface, and you have to do it anyways.

When I recieve my first batch of Payed for Seeds, I will do everything in my path to get them the best advantage.


Well-Known Member
Whores method works, i would recommend doing it just because your seedlings are so stretched out.

What size MH are you using? You'll want to watch the leaves for signs of burning if that light is too close. I assumed you were using flouros and not an MH. Just keep and eye out because that MH might be too hot to have it that close.


Well-Known Member
Im not 100% wat MH stands for? At the moment Im using a fluro light for the seedlings. The thing is, if I transplant them now I will have to put them under my 400 watt HPS as they will all be in pots and to far apart for the fluro to cover them all. Do you think I should just wait till they have more leaves? I have already noticed more leaf growth, lots of them have started on their second leaves.


Active Member
MH stands for Metal Halide. sounds like you're kinda in a pickle. those seedlings do look pretty stretched. i always prefer lil pots with room left over to fill more soil in to limit the stretch (which isn't possible with the jiffy pellets). it would be preferable for you to have a metal halide but what can ya do. my advice would be to transplant soon, within a week for sure cuz they'll probably just stretch worse. i'd put them under one of your HPS about 2-3 ft above the plants minimum, just let the plants grow up to the light for a while always making sure they dont burn or get closer that 1 1/2 ft. you have some very young plants that wont take kindly to the intense light right away. hope that helps, looks like you got some DANK strains, nice!


bongsmilie gettin straight blazed :fire:


Well-Known Member
Cheers chookface, what if I just put them all under 1 400? My room has 2. Do you think they will be safe? I just dont want them to stretch anymore, I got the fluro right up to them and they seem fine. But I suppose I gotta transplant sooner or later.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks to some much needed advice, the plants are really starting grow their leaves now. Man Im glad I did a grow journal, or else it could have got really bad. I will get some better pics tonight, the ones off my phone just dont cut it.

I have decided I will probably transplant on sunday. Ill put them in 10 litre pots and put them in my grow room. Has anybody got any advice on how much light these guys can tollerate? I have 2 400w HPS.. Should I use them both at like 3 feet away and slowly work them in closer? What are some things I should be aware of at this stage. Thanks for all your help so far guys.


Well-Known Member
Transplant ASAP because those week stems will start to tip over when more sets of leaves develop and the tops become heavier.

As for how much light? I would only use one, just to play it safe! But could you push and use two? Yes, and it could pay off....but why risk it? Give the seedlings a chance and dont flood them with light quite yet. Give them a week, week & 1/2 to settle to the one HPS, then turn the other one on.


Well-Known Member
yeah they will start to tip overbut you could easly transplant them into bigger containers and than dig them deep into the container and put the soil right up next to the pre leafs. how long since you sprouted them and put them into the soil? what soils? peace