greatbranch's heinz 57 lighting / yield increase/mainlining trial (strawberry cough)

I can tell you right now go in your grow room when your lights turn on first thing in the morning and your scrog will be sagging I used the exact same nylon string on my first scrog you need to use weed wacker plastic wire for your scrog it wont sag.
What the hell are you guys doing with your screens??? (I am seriously not trying to be a smart ass, but I haven't had ANY trouble) It only needs to be strong enough to hold things down, right? I think using nylon if you're using a bunch of knots is not a good idea, due to slippage. I planned a couple ways to take up slack in the design, and knew ahead of time that the nylon would stretch with use. So, you've had good luck with the plastic stuff, and no issues with it being designed to CUT weeds?
No that's not what I am saying I am saying if you go in there right before your lights turn on the scrog strings sag because it was cold in their and they stretch when hot because they are nylon. Nothing to do with holding the plant up it still works but poorly compaired to the weed wacker plastic string.
Or you can use the plastic string people use to make braclets out of I used that too it works good but weed wacker shit is tougher its not sharp either so don't hurt your plant at all.
No that's not what I am saying I am saying if you go in there right before your lights turn on the scrog strings sag because it was cold in their and they stretch when hot because they are nylon. Nothing to do with holding the plant up it still works but poorly compaired to the weed wacker plastic string.
Ah - I'm picking up what you're putting down, now... - I only have about 9 degrees of fluctuation between lights on and lights off (and that's in the tent that has the 150W HPS in it), so maybe that's why I'm not seeing much of a difference. So far, so good! You are like the third person to tell me that nylon sucks. :grin:
I can tell you right now go in your grow room when your lights turn on first thing in the morning and your scrog will be sagging I used the exact same nylon string on my first scrog you need to use weed wacker plastic wire for your scrog it wont sag.

If you pull the nylon string real tight, it won't sag much if at all. But I like that idea of using weed whacker string!
(Just don't use the kind with sharp edges. Use the simple kind that's round.)

BTW, I used a really cheap nylon string for mine last year and never had problems with it loosening up or sagging because I really tightened up the strings before tying them.
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Hey greatbranch, have you ever had something like this happen from tying branches down?


I noticed it after trimming away the lower leaves. It only happened in these 2 places where the branches swelled and grew around the string. Next time I'll cut off those strings tied to the main branches before they swell too much!
dave use the soft ties they wont cut into your plant heres a pic of my plant with some soft ties


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Hey greatbranch, have you ever had something like this happen from tying branches down?


I noticed it after trimming away the lower leaves. It only happened in these 2 places where the branches swelled and grew around the string. Next time I'll cut off those strings tied to the main branches before they swell too much!

Ouch! It makes me want to kiss it and make it better! No, I have never had that happen. I use multiple wires that have floral tape wrapped around at the point of contact to provide cushion, and I move them regularly toward the outside of the container or further up the branch as they grow outward. (they look like the hoops from croquet) I have seen people use small lengths of coat hangers in kind of an 'S' hook and tie the ends of those with the string, so the fat wire part is all that contacts your branches. That might help. I'm going to have to do it a little differently when there is no "soil". The Dawg ties off fishing weights on the branches. I will probably do something like what I just described to you - the 'S' hook bungied off somewhere.
Ouch! It makes me want to kiss it and make it better! No, I have never had that happen. I use multiple wires that have floral tape wrapped around at the point of contact to provide cushion, and I move them regularly toward the outside of the container or further up the branch as they grow outward. (they look like the hoops from croquet) I have seen people use small lengths of coat hangers in kind of an 'S' hook and tie the ends of those with the string, so the fat wire part is all that contacts your branches. That might help. I'm going to have to do it a little differently when there is no "soil". The Dawg ties off fishing weights on the branches. I will probably do something like what I just described to you - the 'S' hook bungied off somewhere.

I've been taping the string to the side of the bucket. You could to that, too. But I'll have to make a big loop or use something more rigid to make a hook on the end of the string like you suggested. Fishing weights might drag on the ground when you move your plant and you could accidentally step on them.

I got the LST instructions from a lousy book that I used when I started out growing. I should have read about it from other sources to avoid this. I'm surprised that it didn't happen before. I hope that Lusinda can overcome this. I cut the strings, but I'm too scared to try pulling them out.
Check out these soft ties greatbranch they work great heres a better picture of what they look like its like a flexable coat hanger that you can cut and its got a soft outter coating like rubber to protect your plant it says its guaranteed to not cut into stems :)


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I form them into hooks or make them into loops depending on how much I want to hold down, they can be peeled back so you can thread them through fabric pots work like a charm for LST without hurting your plants at all .
Check out these soft ties greatbranch they work great heres a better picture of what they look like its like a flexable coat hanger that you can cut and its got a soft outter coating like rubber to protect your plant it says its guaranteed to not cut into stems :)

Do you know what those soft ties are called, Yoda? I want to order some.
I've been taping the string to the side of the bucket. You could to that, too. But I'll have to make a big loop or use something more rigid to make a hook on the end of the string like you suggested. Fishing weights might drag on the ground when you move your plant and you could accidentally step on them.

I got the LST instructions from a lousy book that I used when I started out growing. I should have read about it from other sources to avoid this. I'm surprised that it didn't happen before. I hope that Lusinda can overcome this. I cut the strings, but I'm too scared to try pulling them out.
Good point about stepping on the fishing weights! I sure would step on them with my clumsy ass. I'm sure she will be fine. I've seen plants grow completely around chain link fence sections.
Very nice looks like its going to be a mighty fine harvest!
Thanks, Yoda. I wanted to at least give the ScrOGing an honest shot before adding bubbleponics to the mix. I had used trellising, but never kept things controlled like this. Running the same strain helps, and I think when I'm running the hempy buckets, I'm going to stick to just one plant. I will just have to go back to a 5 gallon for the single unit to beef the girls up a bit. All too often, we get greedy (I did) and think more plants is better. It usually just complicates matters in a small area, and you end up paying JUST enough in yield to kick yourself for not keeping it to 1 well controlled plant. Some people do the SOG thing well, but you'd have to keep to THAT plan too. It's the middle ground where things did work, but not as well I thought it might.
Wow greatbranch , spoken like a true cannabis scholar. Look at my current problem I had your insight before trying this...the plant in the back is starting to grow so big its unmanageable and my space is way too small for what I did I need to figure out how to grow hydroponics but keep my plant short....that pic is like 2 weeks old the plant is hugemungous now.


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