Green dragon question


Active Member
What would be best for making green dragon?
40% (80 proof) gin
65% (130 proof) Absinth?

Would the absinth spoil it?


Well-Known Member
Everclear makes the best Greendragon its a 190 proof 95% alchool. Its illegal in some states so if you can't find it you can use barcardi 151 it is 75% alchool not sure what proof it is.

Here is a video i found on youtube for a green dragon recipe unleash the dragon its the best recipe i found. Don't skip on the baking n boiling part its the only way you will get the full effects of the green dragon. good luck:joint:


I would have to agree that everclear works the best. The video in the previous link will work and work well. The first time I made green dragon I did not combine the ingredients in the liquor nearly long enough to get the desired effect. If you follow the recipe in the video to a T you should have no problems. The only negative aspect of using everclear is that it gets you so intoxicated any other substance is difficult to enjoy

Big P

Well-Known Member
yes me and my friends have been goin nuts with the dragon man

im gonna make another huge batch tomorrow.

i gave my dragon newbie friend 2 shots and i took 3 last weekend. he completely lost his marbles. i kept tellin him to take a shot of liqure to take the edge off but he was to scared to take anything else at that point

anyway he made it home all right in the end:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Everclear makes the best Greendragon its a 190 proof 95% alchool. Its illegal in some states so if you can't find it you can use barcardi 151 it is 75% alchool not sure what proof it is.

Here is a video i found on youtube for a green dragon recipe unleash the dragon its the best recipe i found. Don't skip on the baking n boiling part its the only way you will get the full effects of the green dragon. good luck:joint:
proof is %*2
% is proof/2