Green Dragon, rum + glycerine?

Hi Forums,
1st time poster, long time smoker.

So I'm finally going to get creative with my welfare check and make some Green Dragon. Quite brave I think! 8-)

I have some 151 proof rum and a good guide, but also have some food grade vegetable glycerine (just started vaping eLiquid) as well.

Looking around on the web and forums I've found plenty of debate as to which is the best for tinctures as alcohol and glycerine each extract different chemical elements from the plant matter.

From Wikipedia:
"glycerin will extract the following - sugars, enzymes (dilute), glucosides, bitter compounds, saponins (dilute), and tannins
absolute alcohol will extract the following - alkaloids (some), glycosides, volatile oils, waxes, resins, fats, some tannins, balsam, sugars, and vitamins."

So I came up with a revolutionary idea, as I'm sure many others have had as well - what about a combination extract?

One could go about it in a few different ways; mixing the two and making green dragon as normal, two separate extractions combined, or 1st in one medium then a 2nd extraction with the same matter in the other then combine. Could even extract in the rum, mix, then evaporate it off within the glycerine.

Has anyone tried anything like this? Or will I break space/time with this radical concept :fire:? Or waste my precious precious government cheque?

I'd like to achieve an all purpose liquid I can eat/drink, smoke in tobacco (after it dries), put in my IoLite and hopefully vape in my new PVU (personal vaping unit)

Any thoughts or warnings would help me make my mind!



While I prefer GD made with rum to drink, it does contain a lot of sugar and this might be a consideration when it comes time to make a smoking mixture, really don't know, just throwing it out there.
I had a bottle of GD made with 151 at about the 8 month mark broke down and the sugar crystallized and the liquid went clear. Still worked, but not sure if it would affect smoking.
I have soaked weed in 190 for months, strained out the weed, then let the liquid evaporate and ended up with a hash like goo that I could eat raw, blend with weed or smoke out of a pipe.
I made it out of some really bad mexi-brick, let 1/2oz soak for 5 months in 200ml of 190. Did a similar extraction with some well grown bag seed weed, that worked as well.

Not sure about smoking glycerine?

Let us know how it turns out.
Ya, I was wondering about the sugar too. It'll be fine for consuming and my IoLite, but smoking and in my PVU it's up in the air. Although the sugar added to American cigarettes ~tastes~ similar and rummy, so I'm hopeful. I like the idea of the rum flavor, but maybe 151 proof vodka would have been a more reasonable choice - at least for my first experiment.
Also, from American cigarettes as well, I saw a documentary stating up to 1/3 the weight of a typical smoke was made up of glycerine (for body, flavor and suppleness). As well many hookah tobaccos contain glycerine.
Not that either of those are excuses or legitimate defenses in themselves, but an indicator at least of no short term ill effects. But they DO say cigarettes will kill you, so ya...
Better check back in 25-50 years to see if my lungs have... candified.
I am excited to give this a try in the next few days. In any case I can still eat it and that will be new for me - I've had a few cookies and maybe a brownie made out of shake, but that's about it. A new way to experience my favorite everything herb!