Green Incandescent Bulb During Darkcycle..


Active Member
OK, so this come from another grower...

"Green lights: In recent conversation with a friendly grower of mine, in his off hours he illuminates his grow room with those cheap green incandescent party lights you see at any chain party store... he has measured his yield at about 3 quarter lb difference (increase) with the green lights on at night... I called bullshit... but he showed me the numbers and everything and its true it did increase but thats not to say it was just larger plants at the time... i want to hear if anyone has tried this or has any proof that its a failed idea or old wives tail... "

So, does the green incandescent bulb being left on during the dark cycle increase yields?

If you know the answer PLEASE explain it to me.

I'm still skeptical on this and don't %100 believe it myself.


Well-Known Member
I think the light only allows you to see in your grow space during night time. I highly doubt it effects the yield at all. Plants don't see in that spectrum of light so I doubt they could use it's nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Yep I know VV has one in his growroom but I don't think he uses it for yield. I didn't ask to be honest.


Well-Known Member
the green lite spec. doesnt efect the plants,during the lites on cycle. its like they dont see it, i read in some book.


Well-Known Member
I think it is too hard to compare crop to crop, since there are so many variables. You would need to start two crops on the same day, side by side. Use the exact same nuets, soil, light on-offs, etc. Also use twin clone. A little thing like seed quality could explain this.

After this is done, then show me the "proof". Otherwise I think his experience is most likely a fluke, that can't be explained.


Well-Known Member
The marijuana plant doesn't even register or use the green light spectrum- which is why you can use a green party light to work in your garden when you can't turn on the lights.


Active Member
It's scientifically impossible for a green incandescent light bulb to have a measurable effect on yield. This just in, breakdancing in a grow room twice a day will increase your yield by 60%.


Well-Known Member
Green light can not be used by marijuana plants or any plant for that matter because if you think about it plants are green because they reflect green light an absorb other colors of the spectrum so he must have gotten lucky or had some other inconsistence


Well-Known Member
can those green cfl be used to work in the grow room at night,or does it have to be certian type of green light,any one know,i call bullshit on the extra yield from a green light.


Well-Known Member
It's scientifically impossible for a green incandescent light bulb to have a measurable effect on yield. This just in, breakdancing in a grow room twice a day will increase your yield by 60%.
I play mine Jazz. They grow twice as fast :)


Well-Known Member
i learned at school that plants dont even respond/see green lite. i think your mate just had a good yeald, may be he did somthing different and didnt even know it. but it didnt effect his yeild. do 2 grows and try it, but i find youd be wasting your time.
maybe somone should try it.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I've been trying to figure out how I could work in my garden without turning on any lights. This green party light sounds like the solution. Thanks!