Green Kush Journal


Active Member
Hey man, I got it from a local hydro store,
here it is,

That's a 2x2 tent I'm growing in, it get's tight when your flowering, I'm planning on getting atleast a 4x4 for this grow.
You can see pictures in my last thread of what was going on.
Hmm, next time maybe use the 2x2 for a mother, and set up a ebb and flow scrog in the 4x4. Grow the future in the aerogarden.

and thanks! my last grow got pretty messy, I wanted to do it as clean as possible this time.


Active Member
just noticed I have some beautiful bright white roots growing through the net pots, which is good, because they look like they could use some nutes.
The leaves are looking a little washed out so hopefully a day or two on the nutrients will bring it back.
I'm starting them at half strength with the Pure Blend and the Liquid Karma, we'll go from there.


Well-Known Member
ah ok. im curious on whether clipping the leaves promotes root growth for the clones. ill go forum diving for that. how long are you going to be vegging and flowering for?


Active Member
I'm probably going to veg for a month, then move it to a bigger tent to flower.
I finally got my order to work with the attitude, so I have 10 DJ Short Blue Moonshine seeds coming my way.
They're also sending me some free seeds, a feminized church, white widow and bubba kush.

I'm hoping to germimate 6 of the blue moonshine seeds when they get here and start them in the aerogarden. Best female will get transplanted into the 2x2 tent and become a momma, the clones from that will get flowered out next. I'll probably build an ebb and flow table for that.


Active Member
I can add some N, is it the purple stems that show that? I was attributing the purple stems to some low temps a couple nights in a row.
Those pictures were day 3 since recieving nutes, I started at half strength, should I bump it up? I'm finally getting a PH/TDS meter today so I'll let you know my PPM. I can give em some more nutes now if you guys think that's smart.


Active Member
alrighty, Ill be bumpin it up. I just checked and I get most of my N from the Flora Nova and not the Pure blend so I'm just going to head over to the hydro store now and restock on that and grab the meter, it will make everything easier.


Well-Known Member
Yeah once you get that meter it should make things easier, they look fine tho, nothin to be worried about, they will bounce bac in no time :peace:


Active Member
Alright well I bumped up the nutes, changed the reserve, we'll see how things look by the end of the day.
Having a meter is fantastic hah.


Active Member

These two on the left are really taking off.

These on the right, not as much, although I just hooked up the second fan yesterday, which was the only variable. Hopefully it will pick up some speed.

Front Left

Back Left


I've been bending the bigger ones as they grow to prep them for some LST. I was planning on tying them on day 14.