Green moss on my coco?

benjamin alexander

Active Member
Hey all i've got an interesting new problem, i've got multiple strains going atm all 5 weeks in dutch glory coco/perlite and being fed the dutch master gold range. I've noticed in the last week a small amount of what appears to be green moss growing on my coco surface after watering, it seems to die off as the coco dries out and comes back the day after watering. Anyone have any advice or experience with this? Is it moss or something else? I'm stuck lol


New Member
I'm sure you got nothing to worry about when you water your humidity climbs thus giving peatmosss time to grow once it drys up it dies off think of it as a insulater helping keep everything moist under neath

benjamin alexander

Active Member
I thought that's what it might be, everything else is as healthy and impressive as could be asked so i didn't suspect it as anything sinister. Thanks heaps for the quick response