Green slime starting to form, please help!


New Member
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Hey, been growing with a top drip setup and have noticed a green slime building up in the rock wool median as well as around areas of my setup. What is it, why is it killing my plant, and how do I get rid of it? I've tried h2o2 and it seems to make the problem worse, please help.
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Well-Known Member
Need more info. What is your feed schedule? What nutes/ppm? Rez temps/pH? Room temps? How much H2O2 and what kind 3% pharmacy, 17% viaoxy or 34%?

Pics are good but could you take a couple from further back to show more of the setup. You said top drip but that kind of looks like a dwc system.

This is more of a guess then anything. But I would say you're keeping the rock wool to wet, and you might have a light leak in your reservoir. Not sure what the highest concentration of H2O2 is alright for rock wool but I would take her out of the system scrap off as much slim as you can then soak the rock wool in it while you dump your Rez and scrub and sterilize it.

Then I would flush out the h2o2 and introduce Aquashield for controlling algae. I haven't tried the new Hydroguard, but they claim it is improved. If I were in your shoes I would use that too. No more h2o2 though with these products, they are alive and you don't want to waste your money killing them.

Oh yeah btw that is algae and is cutting off air to your plant suffocating it and eating up your nutes which is also starving your girl. The suffocation will ultimately be what does her in if you don't get it under control.

Good luck, been there done that don't ever want to go back.


New Member

Feed schedule, every week
Ppm, idk
Rez temp/ph, between 60-65 deg, ph 6.6
I used 100ml of 3% h2o2 in 35gal Rez.

And yes I built my own 3-in-1 system, it's an aeroponic, top drip, DWC.
Nothing special just want to see how things will turn out. If you need any other info I'll try to answer whatever I can...image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You are getting algae growth.
Cover the effected area with a light proof cover and it will die off.