green spots on my rockwool cubes????


Well-Known Member
OK, I have a new one.. I searched the forums.. but do you know the threads that contain "green rockwool" don't seem to show the answer. (just being faciscious).. there are a ton of threads, and I can't rememebr seeing it anywhere else.. so

I have these green spots growing on my rockwool... and it looks like someone set a marker on them and let it bleed into the cube... Can you guys give any insight? the hydro is set up to run under the rockwool as I don't want it to stay wet.. today I was hand watering and the cubes did get wet and now there's this green dye looking shit on them..
anyone know WTF it is?

Going to get pics right now, if anyone knows off the top of their head what this could be, please let me know.. thanks


New Member
OK, I have a new one.. I searched the forums.. but do you know the threads that contain "green rockwool" don't seem to show the answer. (just being faciscious).. there are a ton of threads, and I can't rememebr seeing it anywhere else.. so

I have these green spots growing on my rockwool... and it looks like someone set a marker on them and let it bleed into the cube... Can you guys give any insight? the hydro is set up to run under the rockwool as I don't want it to stay wet.. today I was hand watering and the cubes did get wet and now there's this green dye looking shit on them..
anyone know WTF it is?

Going to get pics right now, if anyone knows off the top of their head what this could be, please let me know.. thanks
sounds like algae
its caused from light and wetness


Well-Known Member
I was thinking algea too.. looks a little like it.. but the only place it is is on the cubes.. heres a pick of my blue widow and I have a cali orange with it worse than this one, but the pic didn't turn out.. The only thing is the blue widow pictured isn't on the hydro system yet.. it's still being watered by hand until it catches up with the others.. so I don't know how wet it gets as I am usually really careful about not dumping it on the rock wool.. just around it.. and the hydro is set up with watering spikes, not drippers so that I can run the water under the rockwool cube and not worry about rot due to the excess water.

I'll see what I can find about dealing with it if it is algea... I would assume just let it dry and the algea will dry out as well, but if there is anything that needs to be done, could someone give me some input on that? Thanks...

And yes.. to the guy who posted "maybe it's just wet"... I know they're fucking wet .. lol... give me some of that shit you're smokin!!

thanks everyone for the quick responses.



Well-Known Member
ok for others who someday down the road may find themselves reading this.. algea is ok, you can scrape it off.. cover the top of the rock wool with the hydrotron and it is fine.. won't hurt your plant. Cool, good to know. Thanks all for your help.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the quick input, taken care of.. took a spoon and scraped it best I could and then covered them with hydrotron.. appreciate it.


Active Member
:blsmoke:but can u just leave it or do you have to scrap it? and how do u fed them after u cover the top up just from underneth or what???:mrgreen: