Green Thumb


Well-Known Member
Does it take a true Green Thumb to grow perfect plants? I am almost a believer in this, Im sure this thread will shed some more light on my Theory. What is it?


Well-Known Member
I think people should just care for their plants, more emotionally than they do. I love my plants, I remember my very first grow, a few years back, before any research, and i had a bag seed grow to a beautiful plant, I just remember being very enthusiastic about a seed that can help me prevent terrorism, well, stop me from buying brick seedy weed from mexico probably,(another story).
Anyways, i am on my second aero grow right now, after a great first start, and what i have noticed is that people get on here and try the first solution they see, I think newcomers should listen to their plants more, hang out with them more....and understand patience, becasue you have to have it.


New Member
Practice makes perfect. You know that X needs to be Y and you get all your numbers right. You learn the best way to grow for your setup and then it's smooth sailing. An old dog can be taught new tricks given enough time.


Well-Known Member
If by lovin em you mean leaving em alone and not fussin over em then your thumb is already green :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
guys, the other night me and my girl sat and watched one of them grow, i will stare at them if need be, but strait up, it was all quiet, no fan, and the plant started moving at the top, they need us to be there for them, they do so much for us, it is only right we give them what they need,


Well-Known Member
Green Thumb's can be learned, but you have to have patience.

Most advice given on here is good solid advice, but always double check with a basic internet search seeing if what someone said matches what other people have done/tried before you go and threaten your crop.

As with arts and crafts, gardening can live by the ancedote "Less is More."