Greenfutures 400w Closetgrow - The Ultimate

Grow area
60x100cm, 200cm high


125mm 325 m3/h extractor fan and carbon filter.
Fan speed controller.

250-400w dimmable digital ballast.
HPS and MH bulbs.
Airvented reflective hood.

Medium and nutrients
100% coco
Canna Coco A and B
Canna Cannazym
Canna PK 13/14

Dutch passion "The Ultimate" feminized seeds.
This is my first grow, ever. The plants are about 1 week old from germination. The plan is to grow only one of the plants to full size. Im starting out with 3 of them mainly for practice and to see which one seems the strongest.

I have been watering with tapwater adjusted to about 5.8 PH and with a very small amount of "Canna coco A and B"

The temperature in the closet ranges from about 24-27 degrees celcius.

When I started out the grow I had the light (250w MH) way closer then what I have now. I think that damaged the young ones some. It was 3-4 days ago that I raised the light.

The plant to the right was quite abit ahead at first but then it started yellowing and growth has now slowed.

What might be the problem?




Hi im a new 1 here, anyways im planning on my 1st grow in my little closet which is like 2.5x3x7ft in dimensions but i wernt r8 sure about it being big enough at 1st but after looking at u pics im a little more confident so thanx n maybe u can give me ur opinian on my set up i do plan on getting 400watt light with a 4inch carbon filter with an extractor n a 4inch intake fan how does it sound so far?
wrighty21: You should probably ask someone with some more knowledge then me. This is, as stated, my first growing experience aswell. But my first thought is that you probably dont need an intake fan. Most people with closetgrows go with passive air intakes. This means that the extractionfan will pull the air into the closet from "passive" intakes, preferibly located in lower part of the growarea.

Everyone: Anyone able to take a guess what might be the cause of my yellowing plant?


Active Member
wrighty21: You should probably ask someone with some more knowledge then me. This is, as stated, my first growing experience aswell. But my first thought is that you probably dont need an intake fan. Most people with closetgrows go with passive air intakes. This means that the extractionfan will pull the air into the closet from "passive" intakes, preferibly located in lower part of the growarea.

Everyone: Anyone able to take a guess what might be the cause of my yellowing plant?
Ok well for starters yellowing in fan leaves is often times a sign of :idea:(N)Nitrogen deficiency, I didnt notice any yellowing on the leaves in the pictures here, but assuming that everything is in order, I would gradually increase it. Be careful of the tap water, it tends to have metals and other chemicals like chlorine and flouride which can be harmful to plants, my suggestion would be to try using distilled water or purchase an RO. Be wary of your ph by checking your runoff after watering, that is probably your best bet for verifying your ph is correct for optimal nutrient uptake.

The light should never be more than 1ft from the top of your plant in order prevent stretching and helps keep the plant short,(desirable traits for closet grows).

Please keep updates here coming I would be very interested to see how they turn out.
Good luck!!!

Remember not to over-water!

"Yo i think he dead? YOOO PASS DAT SHYYT!" - Dont Be a Menace:leaf:


Yo iv got that film on disc lol classic stone head film.
Thanx for replies n ye il keep u updated might be a while yet need to save up for my own equipment to use n set it all up cant wait
Sooo, I recently transplanted the healthiest of the plants to a 41-liter smartpot. Yes, probably a bit overkill, but cant hurt hehe. I only plan on growing this one to full size and im keeping another one just to experiment on with some topping etc.



Well-Known Member
subbed mate :) i'll check this grow out, i got a loooong list of threads, so you my have to be a little patient now and then ;)

They look nice and healthy, and yes you could start to bump the feed up slightly, even just a 'smidge'! They don't need it need it, but depends on how hard you want to push them. Feel free to check the beginnings of my threads man, you may find some young clone topping tips :)
Thanks for your reply flowa! I have checked out your threads on how you topped them while they were young, but your clones look rather different compared to my seedlings. Also I noticed you cut the stem in what seems to be almost in the middle of two leaf-sets. In most other tutorials I have read they tell you to pluck a new set of leaves almost directly when it shows. I might not be very clear in what I mean, but here for example is the kind of topping I am talking about:

My plant is almost exactly in the stage shown in that link. The 5th set of leaves are just starting to show and im considering plucking it. But I wanted to ask you first.

What I want in the end is to have a few equally thick main stems so that the plant will cover the whole closet.

Thanks for subbing my friend, I am following your journal daily aswell! :)
I decided to top my plant yesterday. I also changed the bulb to a 400w MH. Some of the fanleaves are getting really big and stretching out abunch towards the sides. I want more of the energy and nutrients to go to the new tops instead. Would it be a bad idea to cut the marked fanleaves in half? Or what about even removing both of those leafsets with stem and all from the main stalk?

It would be great if I could get some opinions here.



Well-Known Member
hows it going man well i would say that you should probly leave those leaves alone , you just took a decent percentage of the plant off and it needs to recover ... also those leaves are what are going to deliver energy to those tops so you need em for sure. i tend to try not to remove any fan leaves unless they are dying or not recieving enough light to help the plant thats just my thing i have seen people do it and have nice results. im subbed too man should be a fun grow i just switched from coco too 100% perlite on this run following in the footsteps of flowamasta :D been great so far and i just flipped into flower :) come check my thread if ya get a chance the link is in my sig , cheers man happy growing!


Active Member
curly is right......... any high stress training needs some recovery time.

all is looking really good so far, im locked in!

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Hello there Greenfutures, Looking good mate. I will watch this grow, as i have 1 Ultimate growing right now. Just flipped her the other day. Good work, i am subbed.


Well-Known Member
sorry to chime in late :) keep growing her! try not to trim any leaves at all at this stage, recovery time is crucial for immunity. Nice topping, you will be glad you did! I checked out that topping tek page... good stuff nice and informative with good pics, He is correct in saying it divides the 2 but in certain circumstances (lucky me) they still seem to be huge colas. i have 1 cola on 1 branch that i didn't top, and to tell you the truth it doesn't look any bigger than ones i did, true weigh in at harvest will show I'm still seeing some massive colas all over the place.

Recovery time can be anywhere upto a week. Usually 3-4 days and she's back into her stride but still no topping until a good amount of new growth and some extra nodes start appearing.

Looking great man :) keep it up


Well-Known Member
Do you get a lot of noise with the fan? Because i think i might have the capacity to do a similar setup.
Thank you for all your replies. She is filling out good now and I am glad that I didn't go with my impulse to cut the fanleaves off.

Jaza: The fan I have is very quiet, almost no noise when the closet it closed. I also have insulated ducting. The fan is called "TD Silent fan 125mm" and is 20db at max speed.

Overall i think she is looking good. Just disregard the two small plants. They are nothing else then my guinea pigs. Yes, I feel a bit evil, but you have to learn somewhere right?

I have some of these brown spots though. Should I worry about them? Any idea how I could prevent more of them? I have upped the feeding a bit lately. Might have to do with that. I have not flushed the plant yet, should I?



Well-Known Member
not a worry man hard to tell what the brown is but overall they look pretty healthy she will be just fine :D

I killed the two smaller plants. Which was the plan all along. I just kept them for a little while to experiment on. My main girl is growing fast now though! I am considering getting a net and doing a SCROG (atleast thats what i think its called) in a while. Would you recommend this? I still have lots of vertical room left in the closet so not sure if it will be needed. But then again I plan on vegging this baby for quite a while more, so we will see.

The topping seems to have worked out really nice. It has got two thick main stems now going up like a "V".

Please tell me what you think and any improvements I could make. This is my virgin grow after all!

