Greenhouse / Lighting question... Need some expert advice


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. So I am going to be setting up a greenhouse around my girls this year. The Solexx paneling is #1 on my list, but I have concerns about the light transmission.

On their site they say that only 70-75% of the light is passed through, although it is diffusing the light which is supposed to be better. So my questions are:

Will there be any negative effect of only letting 70-75% of sunlight through? Such as stretching, etc... Or is this beneficial for the plants?

Does marijuana prefer diffused light? Or direct?


Well-Known Member
if you lived here in the desert, i wouldn't be concerned about the light loss at all. in northern california it might be a different story, but you'll still have more light than most indoor grows. you won't get any stretching at all because there won't be a point source of light for the plant to grow towards. but your plants will grow slower than a similar plant at the same location but not inside a greenhouse.


Well-Known Member
My plants just love living inside my greenhouse, covered with 6mil plastic sheeting from Home Depot.

Plants just grow better inside a protected enviroment. Wind, rain, bugs, & other natural eliments don't bother them. Temps are more even & the growing season is longer.

Light diffusion from the plastic works to your advantage. As soon as any sunshine hits any part of the roof, (even though the sun would not be directly hitting each plant yet) the roof lights-up the whole greenhouse.




Well-Known Member
Man That home depot plastic crumbles after 1 month here, Although I am at ultra high altitudes. I had to get some 60% opaque from the farmtek. Works FUCKING GREAT! double just an idea, make a ton load of clones and plant them in all the extra spots in your GH. You can almost "double" your harvest.


Well-Known Member
I get one season out of it, but it's cheap, so I put a new top on every year.

I'm a little worried about plant count, so I'll try to grow big plants instead.



Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the feedback, it sounds like mj loves them greenhouses! Bought my roll of Solexx today and it's going up this weekend. I'll post some pix once it is up.


Well-Known Member
i am in uk and i use greenhouse my one has polycarbonate clear as glass panels ive had no problems with this way use auto vent to maintain temps and a parrafin heater when cold at night check out my grow


Well-Known Member
hi i goy my parrafin heater at b and q or argos it maintains the green house at 18c which at night is more than adaquate it also hides odour from neighbers lol its very economical to run one fill 4.5 ltr will last 7 days continuos running


Well-Known Member
Great info on this thread... Im also trying to decide what type of covering to use for my green house.... Not sure as of yet, but need something strong