Greenhouse Seed AMS, How does she look so far? (very first plant ever)


Well-Known Member
This is the first plant I have grown so im not really sure how she should look at this point so any advice is appreciated. I am growing in a 5 gallon dwc and have had some set backs. Im pretty sure I have worked out the kinks and wont be having any more trouble for the remainder of the grow. I am 3 weeks into flowering and she is just about recovered from the nuteburn she experienced when I switched to lucas advanced formula.

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New Member
How can you not like that plant. Looks healthy. So you had some nute burn when you switched to Lucas? Want to talk about it? Did you go beyond 8/16 ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the feedback guys it makes me feel a little better about all the setbacks lol.

As for the nuteburn it was kinda my stupidity for not digging a little deeper in research. When I found out about the lucas formula I never once seen it mentioned that you shouldnt switch to advanced lucas right when you switch to 12/12 lighting. I only heard that advanced lucas is to be used when flowering. I found out the hard way that you should gradually work your way up to 8/16. So for the first week & a half I was battling bad nuteburn and she didnt show any signs of flowering. Every flowering spot you see in the pics is basically from the last week and a half.

For anyone using lucas formula I would offer the following tip.
1st week of 12/12 (when you make the switch) continue the normal lucas formula of 5/10
2nd week of 12/12 do a 6/12 ratio and keep an eye for any signs of nuteburn
3rd week of 12/12 do a 7/14 ratio and keep an eye out for nuteburn
4th week+ of 12/12 use the advanced lucas formula of 8/16 if everything is looking good.

Now I know every plant grows different and has different needs but this is whats working for me atm.