greenhouse seeds cheese, himalaya gold, big bang and white widow


Well-Known Member
grow area - 140x65x140 cm
medium- biobizz all mix soil
pots - 4 inch, 8 litre, 12 litre
light - 250 watt hps
strain - white widow, himalaya gold, cheese and big bang

hi iv currently germinated the seeds and potted them. just waiting for them to come through the soil.
im thinking about using a screen so itl be a scrog setup but not sure yet. anyway any feedback and tips are welcome.



Active Member
hey , good choice for strains, i really wanted to grow all of them , but i figured growing loads of different strains would be difficult. looking forward to how it turns out


Well-Known Member
update- all the plants were through the soil yesterday. was wondering how long people keep them in seedling stage before switching to veg stage??? i usually keep them in seedling stage for 2 weeks then veg them for 4 weeks so a total of 6 weeks from the time they come through the soil. is this ok???


Well-Known Member
Hey ill be watching. I think you will really like the Big Bang. I just started a new grow and have 20 of them right now.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for dropping in barron :) yea i've heard alot of good things about big bang so looking forward to trying some when its done.

Hot Spliff

Big bang rocks... so far anyway, im well into flowering and cant complain. They look great, and grow quite big.

Anyone smoked any Big Bang before???


Well-Known Member
no never smoked it before but some of my friends have and said its about 70% body buzz and 30% head buzz and is long lasting so cant wait :eyesmoke::) heres the ladys at 2 weeks since they were through the soil. going to put the hps on sometime this week.



Active Member
Grew Big Bang last year and it was great stuff. Definitely put me out though, it has a very stoney high. I didn't do much the rest of the day when I smoked it, great stuff for smoking a couple hours before going to bed. Anyway, good luck with the grow man!


Well-Known Member
repotted white widow and still havent put the hps on yet. was gonna post a pic of them veg at 1 week but the upload stops at like 90 percent and stays like that so upload when i can.


Well-Known Member
hi soz havent been on here lately lil update all plants have been in flowering for one week today. gonna give them half strength dose of big bud later then full dose next watering. also put a diy carbon dioxide bottle in wth them. all 4 are ladies:hump: left the big bang for 2 days and it shot up about 3 inches through the screen lol all the screen is nearly full now so wont be training round the screen much longer. let me know what you think.. il try and get a better pic tomorrow when lights go off.



Looking great! Planning the exact same setup soon scrog big bang
Looking forward to seeing how this turns out..


Well-Known Member
hi all a well needed update the plants have been on 12/12 for 10 weeks. was going to chop the himalaya last week but she had a growth spurt.she had bud growing out the side of the other bud. theres also no sign of amber trichs whats the best way to look at the trichs? i have a 30x jewellers loupe. i fink the himalaya is nearly done tell me what you think. back left- white widow front left-big bang back right-himalaya gold front right- cheese

