Greenhouse Seeds "Church" Grow and Review.

Ok i am creating this thread because i recently ordered a few "6+2 freebies" from attitude seeds. The only one that actually sprouted was the one from greenhouse seeds. Not sure if the US import system kills most of yer seeds from oversea's but perhaps the metal tin "stealth" package is a smart idea.

Now, this seed really sprouted! Wonderfull early growth, wide leaves, very indica looking leaves. I took a couple clones about a month into growth, *only 2 due to my overall plant limits here* and they flourished. I was in the middle of a move and rebuilding the engine on my 4x4 i was not able to quite give them the attention needed to make them into a scrog...that and i already had the scrog box full...sooo they kinda ended up a bit messed up due to my toppin them late and not truely having enough soil for the growth size!

The mother on the other hand, i let her grow for 3 months before i flowered her, she is currently in the last stages and looking wonderfull. Overall i have to say i am VERY impressed with these buds dankness level...but the size of the buds themselves is kind of disapointing. I think next time i will try a TRUE scrog for this strain and see how well i can do! These buds are amazing. Truly a mixed high with a very long lasting affect.

I am a medical grower in the state of montana, i am licenced and legal and i currently have enough cards to grow 12 plants and i plant on raising that after this harvest cures and is ready for patients.

I will be uploading pictures as soon as possible, the smaller 2 plants are in 5 gallon buckets, the bigger mother is in a 45 gallon tote. All organic soil and neuts....2-3 week flush of only feeding them water. Hung for 4-7+ days depending on humidity levels, then put into glass jars to cure fully.

Overall the growth of this strain was very very strong, strong female, very few male sites *one male node i think is all i found sofar between 3 plants* its truly a longer strain, it takes a full 8 weeks before u even want to think about harvesting it. Keep the tops away from any heat or they will be very prone to "half-veg" out and grow wierd fan leaves at the top. The buds themselves are soo trichome coated that it is not funny. Even before its dryed and cured it sparkles and glistens with Cannabinoids.

Satisfied and will probably keep this girl in my stable for a while. Thanks for providing the only seed to have sprouted from atta seeds! And it was one of the freebies...go figure.

Pics to follow as soon as i figure out the crop thing.:joint:
