Here is the review I posted in my journal after the grow was finished....
If you're expecting it to be like original UK Cheese then I suppose you will be disapointed but I take it for what it is and I really like it. Arjan says this strain is "original cheese" X "kush". That's pretty vague LOL. But there is a very strong kush flavor and the bud growth and appearance has kush traits for sure. I've never smoked this original/UK/exodus cheese but from what I hear it is more skunky/fuelly than cheesy in taste. Arjan's Cheese is actually cheesey but I find it quite enjoyable. This strain should be named Cream Cheese Kush. Potency doesn't match Lemon Skunk but yield is much better and the taste is stupendous. Complements the apple in the Lemon Skunk perfectly. I could alternate smoking those two all day. Flowered 8.5 weeks.
Lemon Skunk
Like I said very strong appley taste and potency is strong. Yield is on the slim side. Flowered 9 weeks.
This one faked me out big time. It smells crazy skunky and fruity while growing but lost a lot of the power after chopping. The smell is still there when you touch the buds but it doesn't come through in the taste. It was dried and cured the same as the others. This is the third and final GHS that I kept growing just because what mild taste there is happens to be very nice and the large yield is needed to make up for my Lemon Skunk exploits. It is a bit of a step down from the LS and Cheese but I've come to expect that from large yielders. Flowered 10 weeks.
This strain leaves me at a loss. Looks great but smells like a dead fish. Apparently this is the true Arcata cutting selfed to make seeds. I can't even smoke it. The taste is smell/taste is strong and reminds me of Pakistani food. Some of my friends can tolerate it but I pass on this one. Flowered 9.5 weeks.
White Rhino
I suspected this strain to be bland the entire time. Had a mild milky pineapple smell but never anything you would expect from a "medicinal" strain. It started to grow like a haze near the end and bag appeal is terrible. Tastes like it smells, very bland. Flowered 10 weeks.
I think that about sums up everything for the Green House grow. I think Lemon Skunk and Cheese are awesome. Great White Shark is nice to smoke but the yield is what really makes it worth while. Trainwreck is an acquired taste I guess but not for me. White Rhino a bit bland for my liking.