Greenhouse vs Raised Bed vs Large Hole


Well-Known Member
What pollen are you getting? I was thinking about seeding a few buds of my Pre 98 Bubba with something. Just not sure where to get it. :)
It will be TW Kushage. I will keep you in the loop for sure. I want to try it on the jack the ripper from Subcool. I got a beastly female over here some branches are over 7ft. Just want to seed up a couple branches. this plant wil definitely be my personal. keepem green dirrtyd


Active Member
What pollen are you getting? I was thinking about seeding a few buds of my Pre 98 Bubba with something. Just not sure where to get it. :)
Dirrtyd and ABM, with a little luck , I'll have some Masterkush pollen next week. A month ago I had it ready to drop but I wasn't ready so I cut him back, hard. Took this long to get nuts again. Lemme know - I can give you a branch or maybe the whole plant, if I get what I want this weekend.
Pre 98 x Master..... I like that better than what I'll put it on (GDP). Maybe seed trades later :)



Well-Known Member
Okay now that sound better to me will not be using the JTR will seed the OG Kush x DJ short Blueberry x master kush how that sound folks. Hops i will give you a call thanks again. About to have me a real nice second family here. That family will have to have there own cup this year details to come later. All interested let me know. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Ohh that would be nice! I'll submit my Redwood Kush. :D LOL
Yeah I would like to do two good branches of it. Get a nice amount of good seeds oh my would make my year. Cant wait to label the branches that get pollinated. Well the gurls are looking good nothing significant to report at this time. Keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Went to Orchards supply they were clearing out rainwater catchers for under 50 bucks so I snagged one. I figure for the price it should be fun also it looks good with the compost bin and the worm bins. I should have some of the freshest EWC around next year getting ready to fire up my 360 worm bin and take my first castings after removing the worms to another level. keepem green dirrtyd


Active Member
Yes they are still being fed currently we will see how fat they get here in the next few weeks.

thanks for the compliment doublejj trying to get them like yours nice and pretty every year. keepem green dirrtyd
JJ has set the bar quite high. Dudes have to have something to aim for!!



Well-Known Member
Some pics of the gurls . Enjoy comments welcome. dirrtyd
Hey d-
You got things looking nice over there. Look at that "evacuated" greenhouse girl, holy crap!
I know it's tough to sleep when the garden is looking that fat!
Stay Safe...


Well-Known Member
Sleep? What's that?!

P.S. The Taliban has been keeping me company at night!


Well-Known Member
Sleep? What's that?!

P.S. The Taliban has been keeping me company at night!
I sleep easy I wish a mofo would even thinkaboutit coming over the fence in the yard anything.

Hey d-
You got things looking nice over there. Look at that "evacuated" greenhouse girl, holy crap!
I know it's tough to sleep when the garden is looking that fat!
Stay Safe...
TMB that is easy I hang my vest in the window you can see it at night. That way they have a chance to leave before receiving bodily harm. lmao They are getting fat real quick I figure four more weeks on the greenhouse gurl that when she finished last year. The JTR probably the second week of October. The Crosses probably the same time frame as the JTR. The purple plants look like they will be done around the first week of October. Seems to be a real nice stagger to me will make hand and machine trimming easy this year. Will do a variation this year of hanging whole branches just removing fan leaves and drying. Then hand trimming whole branches at a time then let dry. Dirrtyd