Greenhouse vs Raised Bed vs Large Hole


Well-Known Member
Nice find on the bulbs! I may head out there today to pick some new ones up. :)
You know I try and keep expenses down. They done cut some deal with PGE on these bulbs. Well the gurls in the greenhouse are looking nice gave them some food today. Cant wait to see these plants finished then I can get a good estimate of how they will do this summer. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Well looked at the seedlings a little closer today I can visibly see the primordia on them. I will examine a little better wiht a loupe later. But it is promising now I can throw them outside and sex them or just wait. I think I will allow this group of seedlings to grow three more weeks then outside for sexing. Once I can determine I will bring back in until May 1st.dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Sweet.. How is the greenhouse holding up to the storm?
Best two hundred spent. I have seven gurls in little pots inside and they all are 18 inches too two feet. They are budding with the windows open they havent blown over. This greenhouse is da shat going to get me the supersized model next year.


Well-Known Member
Sweet man! I have been looking for one but I don't wanna buy a cheap one and can't afford a great one. I think that the season is coming up quick so I will just hold out and hope that my bagseed makes it.


Well-Known Member
Sweet man! I have been looking for one but I don't wanna buy a cheap one and can't afford a great one. I think that the season is coming up quick so I will just hold out and hope that my bagseed makes it.
They got them at Lowes and it is holding up great in the storms.The ladies are loving it. Looks like I will be flowering well into May. I think I will throw the last one out the last week of March when the first group should start finishing. I will also be putting one out every week until then to ensure a steady harvest come April. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
How many plants can fit in your green house again? I wanna build one when we get a new place, but will need room for like ten plants plus. And would like to get a great yield off each one. Whats your goal as far as yield per plant in this green house?


Well-Known Member
How many plants can fit in your green house again? I wanna build one when we get a new place, but will need room for like ten plants plus. And would like to get a great yield off each one. Whats your goal as far as yield per plant in this green house?
In this Greenhouse I'm looking for 2lb per plant only two will go inside. I dont want to much crowding so only two. You may want to look into a greenhouse like doubleJJ's. Wish you luck I just sowed some speedway seeds today five suppose to finish flower in 50 days we will see. The seedling are looking good most on there fifth or sixth node. Can't see no balls yet or swelling around the node so fingers still crossed. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Going to sprout five ak47 seeds today trying for a variety this year all clones and seedling will veg indoors to at least two feet. Then they will be hardened off then they will go into the ground. Clones will be taken to preserve the best looking plants for a future winter grow. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Pics in the green house! haha. Green house is were its at as i been told last few weeks. Controlled enviorment is the word they use at the clubs? And with green house and indoors i doubt you can tell a difference.


Well-Known Member
Pics in the green house! haha. Green house is were its at as i been told last few weeks. Controlled enviorment is the word they use at the clubs? And with green house and indoors i doubt you can tell a difference.
I dont frequent clubs unless I'm looking for a specific clone. I get seeds at the events at the Cow Palace. I defintely dont buy no smoke from them. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
You cannot tell any difference

You look like your set to kill it this year dirty

Glad you said something cause if you grow good bud it doesnt make a difference to me. I have not had any complaints and I grew over ten outdoors. Doublejj yes I want to have a nice group of seedling and plants ready to be harvested as early as 1st week in September around here. Long as it doesnt burn my throat going down i'm cool with it love a mellow smoke. Cant deal with a harsh one getting old. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Lets have a look see how it looks inside and how they are looken that be awesome. We havent had pictures for a few pages lol. Awesome set up!


Well-Known Member
Okay I will take pics of the gurls outside today. The sun is up this morning funny weather for sure. I will bring a couple out of the greenhouse and take some shots . Remember these were plants that I rescued but they look to be producing some nice little buds on them about three weeks into flower. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
As promised a couple of the gurls from the greenhouse. Enjoy they still got a while to go. Will be posting pics of an interesting seedling I have it looks like it has three nodes in the same place going up. Anyone got opinions on the seedling I describe.dirrtyd



Well-Known Member
Looks great to me. I know what you mean when you say there no real differnce if its good bud its good bud. Same opinion i have. Unfortnetly all these clubs down here want indoors and green house they say its controlled enviorment and will pay for it. So i am forced to have to quality and great looks with these guys. Only Its gonna go for the bucks.

Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
I'm going with a raised bed and a greenhouse as well. Are you going to buy or make your greenhouses?


Well-Known Member
I'm going with a raised bed and a greenhouse as well. Are you going to buy or make your greenhouses?

Who me? I dont know yet building one like doubejj did and dirtyd's be nice. I thought about doin indoor first to get the funds for the green house and how to do it right. Doublej mentioned using soleex this year.