GreenHouse White Widow Mother And Clones

This is the mother White Widow from GreenHouse Seeds.:leaf:

and these are her clones, or first Generation

I am using DWC with sprayers and Genreal Hydroponic nutes, Micro, Gro and Bloom I am also using Kushie Kush when the time comes along wiht a healthy dose of H2O2 for the roots.

Ph is @ 6.0
PPM is @280-350
Clones were taken 10.18.10

You can watch the mother in the other journal I have going, but this is strictly for the clones so I dont get confused.
o ya, split them like my wife's legs, down the middle.
But the roots get Clonex for 5 minutes then into my ghetto cloner and then into these buckets after the sprout roots.
I am out of abtteries or I would have taken root shots as I changed the res. PPM was high around 1200, so its back to 450 and my water starts out at 200ppm so really I am like 250 ppm with nutes.

Ph is still around 5.9-6.0 so thats good for me, no reason to mess with it trying to get it to come down a few points.

I did lose my "K" plant this morning. I fed it really heavy to see what would happen and how fast and in 3 days it died of an OverDose, no worry I have the clones before I started to experiment with her nutes, sad none the less.


Well-Known Member
Nice DWC's! I take it there homemade? That's gonna be my next venture after one more soil. I like greenhouse and gonna be doing a white rhino, and kings kush from them. Def gonna be following this.
it all DIY. I bought the first set of buckets for $150 and knew I could build the same thing and make it personalized for my space requirements.

I am impressed with GreenHouse, this is my 5th seed and it is bushy and squatty just like a good WW.
Newest and gr8est
Funny how these both came from the same mother but #1 is almost 2x the size.

I am planning on taking 4 clones from #1, the strongest of the pair, for my harvest and then 4 for my "friends".

if you look at #2 there is no 4th branch coming out just a little preflower no real branch.

On the mother WW, there is one cola out of the 4 that is smaller and not going to produce much and i ma wondering if I can breed that small clola my letting her flower with no clones and use the clones from #1 which is showing stronger everything.

I am, baked, it makes sense in my mind.
hung the T5 from the ceiling and got rid of the PVC box finally. They are crooked because I didnt make a str8 line and they got messed up, should'a been baked.

Clones got new food today, I am starting them on a growing schedule to bulk them up a bit for clones taking in 2 weeks or so.
750 ppm @5.7pH
Camera is taking a vacation without me so I am taking pictures before it leaves the country.

Roots on clone #1 the strongest which is giving up some clones anyday

Roots from #2. No clones from her to anyone, just vegging for 2 months and still topping and then flowering for 10 weeks or longer and seeing what happens.

these are from the mother WW entering her 3rd week of 12/12 the reason her roots are brown is the molasses just added and the Kool Blooom.
clone #1 gave up 5 clones and is in ICU.
Clone #2 not expecting much from her has not given up clones and is in 12/12 to bud her out.

My camera is downstate and will be back Wednesday and I will have pics then.
4 clones are fine and one shooting out root nubs already. One clone is not doing too well but thats expected.
THis is clone #2 the runty one that didnt give any clones


She is starting to push out to the sides alot more in the last few days so I think she is liking the extra food but the lower ppm @850-900.

thisis the other sister that gave up 3 healthy clones still in
the rooter.
