Greenpoint seeds!!

I know what you mean. Ended up running a lot of the wild west series back in the day. Found some really amazing plants in those packs.
Yesssss! There is some sad stories in here about homie, but he has/had the ability to create fire! Period. I was trying to recapture that old feeling. It may be gone though. Which is OK, I've found working clones is just as fun.
This thread was hilarious back in 2015 - 2016 or so something like that. I remember when Heisen first said he was gonna become a seedmaker he was shitting all over Gu saying how he would never sell untested beans blah blah blah then I think he made some seeds and didnt even test the very first batch he ever made, just sold em straight up, next thing they hooked up and worked together. Funny shit
Any keepers you still run today?
I haven't popped those packs, but I did have an Banana OG x Star Dawg keeper that was really awesome. I forget what he called that cross. Anyway it was like straight up banana candy and like a funk undertone. That plant grew huge in solo cups I couldn't contain them. Hit like a freight train too. They were super stable and resistant plants. I had a male I was keeping to do F2s and I let him just hangout in a solo cup for like a year getting beat to shit and he went on strong and healthy. Did not flower out of turn even once. He was a good male. I wish I had made those F2s.