Greenpoint seeds!!


Well-Known Member
Definitely. But in my case, I want a representation of what @LubdaNugs , @typoerror , and several others are posting, and them cats grew the beans.

I see both sides, but was mostly commenting on the casting of happy GPS buyers as 'deciples', 'defenders' and such.
there only disciples when they blow someones valid points off just because they like that other person,Like the setup comment above,That shits silly.That person should know me better than anyone i dont take sides in nothing and will tell my closest friends there fukin up.I see everything for what is worth.Where im from people dont fuck with me i can assure you of that.Im all business.I never dog pile the underdog.I always look at all the facts and make my own decisions.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
there only disciples when they blow someones valid points off just because they like that other person,Like the setup comment above,That shits silly.That person should know me better than anyone i dont take sides in nothing and will tell my closest friends there fukin up.I see everything for what is worth.Where im from people dont fuck with me i can assure you of that.Im all business.I never dog pile the underdog.I always look at all the facts and make my own decisions.
Show us the utility that you claim to have used to search the internet for pics that are identical greenpoint.
That's some powerful shit!!!
Did you scan pics of all his strains individually?

How long does it take to search the entire internet?

I still smell bullshit...


Well-Known Member
Show us the utility that you claim to have used to search the internet for pics that are identical greenpoint.
That's some powerful shit!!!
Did you scan pics of all his strains individually?

How long does it take to search the entire internet?

I still smell bullshit...
You can smell your sisters ass for all i give a shit,Always thought of you as a well thought out character and keeping it real,The last few pages you seem like you got into the cool kid club and cant accept the fact your savior is using pics from the internet for his website.
Its called Google Chrome,You right click on the image and click "search google for image" scroll down look at websites containing image.
You can also go to google image search and upload your own images and the pictures will pop up on whatever websites they are listed from.


Well-Known Member
Definitely. But in my case, I want a representation of what @LubdaNugs , @typoerror , and several others are posting, and them cats grew the beans.

I see both sides, but was mostly commenting on the casting of happy GPS buyers as 'deciples', 'defenders' and such.
i buy and grow his gear and i still find it fucked up that he would use someone else's pictures that aren't even the same strain. shady. just put no pic until you have one of the actual strain.


Well-Known Member
Nope,I mean really if dude had the Legit cut why would he post a stolen pic from ICMAG Pure Kush thread.Why not post the pic of the cut he had already grown.But to add insult to injury he used the same pic that he used on the fake wedding cake s1s,And people here think all this shit is cool.
Dude, you have a good point. It's quite amazing to me how these concerns are just ignored by everyone.

Big Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
What leds are those? Do they have optics on them, or is it jus the glare from the diodes in the pic
Those are Acuity led strips using Samsung leds. I bought a *bunch* of them cheap from ebay. They came out of damaged led fixtures. No optics.

I'm sure these are not as efficient as the newest strips, but hey... they were cheap. And i have enough of them i can run them soft to increase the efficiency. Running about 800 watts right now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the ripping off of other people's pictures is just low. Zero respect for that. Same thing as stealing, imo.
Not to mention the misrepresentation of it all.
It wasn't cool when nearly every seed distributor in Holland and the UK did this and not cool now. Having said that I still can't wait to pop every pack I bought. Proof has been in the seeds and for all to see in this thread for awhile. Just another dumb decision on GPS part. No one has ever liked this sort of thing. I was a little taken back when going through marketing courses in college. The vast majority of marketing is really lying, misrepresenting, and bending the truth to make a sale. Good products sell themselves. Now that it has been called out hopefully the time will be taken to actually provide pictures of plants he has grown out.

Sad thing is he could easily hire a professional tester in this thread for all his shit if he just offered them free packs. Some lazy shit.


Well-Known Member
Ok heres my 2 cents.

Yes its completely fucked up to be using fake images. Yes if the cuts arent actually what they say they are that is also fucked. There has been some didgy shit going on it seems.


the 2 GPS strains i have grown have produced extremely good results at a rediculously low price. I will still continue to buy them and grow them as long as the results are good.

I personally dont buy into a lot of the hype on the elite clones anyway so i dont base my decisions on the genetics listed. I usually wait until i see some seriously good pics and reviews from trusted growers before i move on anything.

I mean come on if you have been growing for a little bit you have learnt by now that what the breeder says it is or the pic you see on the website is not necesarily what your going to get. Yeah its fucking shit but at the end of the day if you do your research and buy carefully you wont get stung. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me


Well-Known Member
It wasn't cool when nearly every seed distributor in Holland and the UK did this and not cool now. Having said that I still can't wait to pop every pack I bought. Proof has been in the seeds and for all to see in this thread for awhile. Just another dumb decision on GPS part. No one has ever liked this sort of thing. I was a little taken back when going through marketing courses in college. The vast majority of marketing is really lying, misrepresenting, and bending the truth to make a sale. Good products sell themselves. Now that it has been called out hopefully the time will be taken to actually provide pictures of plants he has grown out.

Sad thing is he could easily hire a professional tester in this thread for all his shit if he just offered them free packs. Some lazy shit.
He gives out tons of free testers but guess how many of those people who happily take his free seeds actually do grow logs? Sweet fuck all.

Not defending him but i totally agree he should maybe be a little morr selective of who gets testers. He shouldnt be selling them until they have been tested and pics and reviews made. Testers should be trusted people who can take good photos and give strain desriptions for the website