Looking to hire another staff member!
What's up guys/gals and non-bianaries,
I am in need of someone who can write CONTENT!
$0.25-0.50 per word depending on the assignment. 2-3 assignments per week.
I was thinking about where I would find someone qualified to write on cannabis, lineage, history, and trends in the industry. Who better to ask than the forums! You all are already spending hours a day discussing cannabis related issues. Why not look here.
Blogs, Descriptions, Promotions. Front of the line for anyone who has experience writing and editing these things. Big plus if they have a strong cannabis knowledge base
Email me at
gu@greenpointseeds.com a resume and some examples of your writing and editing abilities.
Blog posts are usually 300-600 words so please don't make your email longer than that
This gig will require homework/research and a creative writing ability skewed to achieve great SEO results.
W-2 Bi-Weekly pay stub unless you have your own business bank account.
If you have friends that would be great for this but might not see this take a screen shot and share it with them.