Greenpoint seeds!!

I also grew out the FMF this last run. It is right there with the JP and LL.
I wanna run the OBS again, but indoors this time and see what it's got.
My outdoor was all ruined this year.,
I am really impressed with the quality of these strains GPS has. I'm glad I got them now. Everyone had me worried when all the shit was coming out about the S1's and "hermis" fake pics. It's about the quality for me. I expect good, viable seeds and good genetics and I will do all the rest.
I've learned a lot about the seed business and so called "breeders" this year. lol

I grow in organic Super Soil and build my own LED lighting. I water by hand. You don't need all the bells and whistles to grow good flowers.

I gotta pack of the OBS as well to go, should be some strong sativa leaners there. To many strains and not enough growing room...gotta learn to prioritize and pace my self. In the end I'm very happy with all of my GPS stash.
Appears we have a bit in common with our growing styles and expectations, keeping it simple.
Other than needing some cal-mag and a few shots of molasses at the end I've been able to have a top dress and water only grow the last couple seasons. Didn't mess with any teas this year and still had one of my best seasons.
hmm I thought I 3 of all of them I guess I only have 2 jelly's

Hey bro. Their was no openly gay homophobia...Amos as usual chimed in...he got told to eat a dick. aka stfu with your sideline stirring the pot ass.

And once again fuck you amos for trying to push your trolling lieing as narrative.
You're simply a marketing genius!
One can observe a lot by just watching.

You left out “literary genius,” Amos.

What, pray tell Antonio Antonio far too bleak and bonio, the fuck is “openly gay homophobia?”

I really don’t need an answer.
Hey bro. Their was no openly gay homophobia coming from me.
Tstat came in disrespecting people who offered him advice and Amos as usual chimed in with his passive aggressive trolling bullshit that i guess he thinks is cute and some find entertaining and he got told to eat a dick. aka stfu with your sideline stirring the pot ass. I see he has continued to do that for two years since i left. Nobody said shit about gays in that thread but tstat when he replied "this feels like high school when it was youre retarded or youre gay insults" when people replied to his disrespect and insults.

And once again fuck you amos for trying to push your trolling lieing as narrative.
I believe they're talking about your thread from a couple years ago that modes deleted all your homophobic rhetoric. People have this thing called a memory. It allows one to recall things from a previous time.
I tried googling openly gay homophobia, nothing good came up but this. So I ran with it
Alex Jones, lol, Zeus and Hera wept. (Obscure in-joke)

I met him more than once...actually interviewed for a job with him. No further comment.

“Openly gay homophobia” is a great way to describe the policies and lifestyle of former Idaho senator Larry Craig, come to think of it. What a wormy piece of shit that man is.

Gay activists tried to out him as a guy who liked to bang young men in public bathrooms for years before he finally got arrested for it, meanwhile he helped pass a constitutional amendment in the state that effectively made gay marriage illegal (since overturned by federal policy) and you can guess the rest of the details, surely.
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Alex Jones, lol, Zeus and Hera wept. (Obscure in-joke)

I met him more than once...actually interviewed for a job with him. No further comment.

“Openly gay homophobia” is a great way to describe the policies and lifestyle of former Idaho senator Larry Craig, come to think of it. What a wormy piece of shit that man is.

Gay activists tried to out him as a guy who liked to bang young men in public bathrooms for years before he finally got arrested for it, meanwhile he helped pass a constitutional amendment in the state that effectively made gay marriage illegal (since overturned by federal policy) and you can guess the rest of the details, surely.
Oh I remember that piece of shit. I'll never understand the shitty nature of some people. So readily able to oppress others in order to maintain a comfortable life for themselves.
I believe they're talking about your thread from a couple years ago that modes deleted all your homophobic rhetoric. People have this thing called a memory. It allows one to recall things from a previous time.

Yeah, I remember it well. Told a lieing ass troll that was talking shit and disrespecting people to eat a dick and the snowflakes melted.
Troll it up then whine it up. So soft it makes no sense smh...
Dang. Pebble, orange blossom and cake n chem dropped to $27+ this morning and I added to cart but it changed before I got it ordered. I didn't know about the price drop thing. Are the drops just random all the time?