Greenpoint seeds!!

Hey, GPS still has to be better than the overflow of amateur pollen chuckers on the scene these days. Some of them can't even grow a plant right yet and now they're "breeders".:lol:

You cant make this stuff up.

I know, right ? Take me, for instance, though I consider myself a chucker not a breeder. I've been raising buds for a couple of decades, and I feel lucky that a couple of the plants now and then turn out great despite the fact that I'm woeful at weed growing. Just dumb luck when it happens. And yet, I make you don't have to "make this stuff up". It's a reality.

The amazing irony, is that people who know how to "grow a plant right" have posted visual masterpieces with those woefully made seeds. How does that even happen ?? Like that @main cola guy:

7 of Nine main cola.png

download (4).jpg
I know, right ? Take me, for instance, though I consider myself a chucker not a breeder. I've been raising buds for a couple of decades, and I feel lucky that a couple of the plants now and then turn out great despite the fact that I'm woeful at weed growing. Just dumb luck when it happens. And yet, I make you don't have to "make this stuff up". It's a reality.

The amazing irony, is that people who know how to "grow a plant right" have posted visual masterpieces with those woefully made seeds. How does that even happen ?? Like that @main cola guy:

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Damn. Sorry I struck a nerve. I’m sure you’re amazing.
I know, right ? Take me, for instance, though I consider myself a chucker not a breeder. I've been raising buds for a couple of decades, and I feel lucky that a couple of the plants now and then turn out great despite the fact that I'm woeful at weed growing. Just dumb luck when it happens. And yet, I make you don't have to "make this stuff up". It's a reality.

The amazing irony, is that people who know how to "grow a plant right" have posted visual masterpieces with those woefully made seeds. How does that even happen ?? Like that @main cola guy:

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I call myself a breeder, but that has.nothing to do with "practices"...has to do with understanding what that word actually means, theres amature breeders, commercial breeders, good breeders,professional, and master breeders, this applies way beyond the cannabis plant of course, I also am a breeder of APBT or "American bullys". Chucker doesnt exist IMO lol that slang, would just mean to me, just someone who has bred marijuana before with no future plans.
Every single bud I've seen at rec shops had been bounced or rolled for trichs. Add on top of that most is premature cut at 7 weeks vs 8-9 and it was quick dried.

Your better off getting carts or concentrates.

You are very right about that. It seems you need to know mom and pop growers to get the sticky stuff we all enjoy.

Are you saying that Colorado stuff sucks? I always though it be the best shit in Us

The rec shops certainly seem that way. As a whole? Hell no. Plenty of underground guys like everyone here in every state. I don't want to name specific shops, because I think it is all of them at this point, and not fair to single out a certain few. Everything about the products were corporate like I said. It would never float in Florida, NC, or SC. You can always find someone to sell mids, but people that know real craft cannabis will not be coming back. There are a large amount of talented growers that share in this thread. There is nothing I found in rec shops even close to the past 600 pages of small and big time guys here.
From what ive seen so.far from growers, Amos is a great breeder, so is GU lol good thing about breeding animals is we understand stud fees.
From what ive seen so.far from growers, Amos is a great breeder, so is GU lol good thing about breeding animals is we understand stud fees.
And frankly if som1 has something to say about the owner of a great stud and him pimping him out to elite cuts, your delusional my friend, any1 wld pay big bucks at a chance to run those typa f1s, any1 with som sorta understanding of genetics that is. If I crossed a.chamipion stud race horse with a champion female ur talking 300,000 plus dollar offspring. And all breeding is the same in basic terms. Fk stability lmao I wanna find my own hews not what some other guy thought was a jewl at f4 that has a shitty buzz and tons of flavor.
Yeah that is the level of fire I expect. Nice plant. I would definitely pay for our level of pot. I just want good stuff on vacation not some 200 ounce shit charge me more if you have to dammit I am fine with it.
Oregon's rec weed isn't all that great. I guess if you went around to every shop in the willamette valley you could find good top shelf for like $10-12 a gram but it has still been rolled for outside trichs. Not bad but homegrown is so much better.

So many poeple want those $5 grams so most shops cut corners on product, in my experience anyway, that's Cali and oregon. And I can honestly say I got much better bud in cali med shops back in the early days of medical vs what you find in oregon or cali today.

On a green point tip, jusy popped 5 bodegas bb gum.