Okay, just to chime in here, folks need to stop being so self-righteous and toxically negative on this forum in general. No names. It sucks a big fatty, and I'm talking donkey schlong, not the sensi, broheimowitzi. It's a huge fucking turnoff... Quit the self-circlejerks, and quit being such schill fucks... I'm currently growing in a fucking 2x4 bathtub for George Carlin's sake, and I'm still way better off than a lotta folks here, as far as i can tell... but who cares!?? Cause I don't!!! Let's just move on with our lives, ignore your fellow ass-clowns, and let's keep things on-point here.
How's that blizzard bush,
@Bob Zmuda ??
@psychadelibud Call me paranoid, but I'm starting to suspect you're actually just a freelance marketer for GPS, simply based on the shear volume of sickeningly sweet things you have to say about GPS and only GPS, all day, everyday... be honest! AND this whole competition thing was your idea. Seems a bit fishy imho..... No offenses intended! Consider this a challenge to prove me wrong with pictures of this impressive grow/farm opperation you're clearly neglecting while posting on RUI all day....
