GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

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Here are some more pics. OGPanda - They are supposed to have those damn sockets at lowes or home depot.... but the ones in my town do not carry them. I have to order them from the link above in the previous post.
I ordered two, and i have everything except for the sheet of dryer vent.... and bulbs. I am going to shave an inch off of each end of my hood. then buy another sheet of dryer vent aluminum and shave an inch off each end of it. then fit it with a fixture, wire it and hang it !!! Those 65 watters seem to be doing fine... but i thin i might upgrade a little to :
If i could save my money and get 4 of those in my box... I will be done with lighting... and i can finally stop hearing my wife complain about me spending any money at all on light bulbs.

Roseanne is a male - hehehehe - my wife is gonna be mad .....
Dan is a Female !!!!!!!! YAY !!!!!
Still waiting on the rest.
Maybe they were going thru counseling and role playing.....

HAHAHAHAHAH, well.. if you have ever watched the show... you know that family needs it.

Went home at lunch today:

Dan has sprouted a shit load of little white hairs over night, Roseanne has sprouted a shitload of little green seed looking things... not like a caylax... but like a seed or little tiny foot ball..... I didn't chop it yet, but have taken it out of the box. I will let my wife cut it.... she would want it that way : ) I gave the plants a good watering today, and started my Nutes. I just stopped by Lowe's and picked up some MG Bloom Fert.

The "Becky" and "Jackie" clusters got cut today. I cut them down to 2 plants per cluster. then taped them to the side of the pot to kind of LST them i guess you could call it??!!??
I went ahead and did "Dan" the same way ... after i took the pics. I was running out of space and it seemed the only viable thing to do. hopefully I haven't screwed up my only female..... Hopefully i will get atleast one more Female. So, the wait continues..... I sprouted 15 - 20 seeds, planted them all, 10 survived, and now I'm down to my last 7 which only 1 has come out female ..... i hope my luck is much better with the other 6. I really think those 2 23 watt light bulbs seriously stunted the growth of my plants when i started them out.... oh well.. maybe they are just slow growers. I'm gonna do more reading on LST and and so on.

Take it easy guys!

*** Update ***

OK, went home for lunch today.

I'm starting to get a little ticket off.....
Darlene ... the one in the little white pot... Male.... Chopped. I'm down to 1 Female out of the 10 I planted 15 - 20 i Germed... and 5 left to yet show sign of sex.
more pics:

All of the LST'ed plants turned upright and are looking healthy and good. I really hope i get at-least one more female outta the bunch. It would really blow, if i did all of this work for only 1 Fem.

Happy growing guys and gals !!!

Mark was a chopped last night.... I've got the 1 Fem left and the pot with 4 small plants in it..... waiting on the 4 to show sex... still haven't shown...
playing the waiting game with my garden pot that has 4 plants in it...... the one Fem i have seems to be doing fairly well.... I have been watering them with nutes every other watering ( I don't want to burn the plants)...... which is about 1 - 2 times a week... depending on how dry the soil gets.... I'm thinking about making some Firecrackers...... I read another article on it:
Very little bud has to be used, they are fast and can be tasty.... alot of people say they need jelly... ehh.. I'm gonna go home and make some tonight.. I'll let yall know how they were.

But anyways........ just waiting on my fem to bud... she has lots o pistols, c'mon buds !!!
Hopefully the other 4 will turn out to be fem....... I might start a few more seeds.... just for the hell of it..... damn bag seeds... lol
*** Update ***

OK... Dan is doing good ( My first fem)
The waiting game is over for the other 4....... believe it or not.. they all (except for one) were Fem. One was a Fem till it started cross dressing and then just decided to become full on Hermaphrodite..... So, 3 Fems, one growing strong and big... the other 3 look like they are 14 days old ...lololol..... but they have been in there the same amount of time as the rest. I think im gonna just bite the bullet and go get another sheet of dryer aluminum and some bulbs and make another hood..... I have everything except the dryer duct and bulbs. If I put the same bulbs into it as the one I have I will have a total of 260 Watt's ..... maybe that will induce some growing.....
In my opinion..... I think a great amount of people that have grow journals don't even live in MMJ state's. Its a risk, but like someone told me as long as you ain't supplying the whole state... Keep it a personal garden and stay low on the radar. But I see where your wife coming from.... I'm paranoid to start my own journal and such, but I am really reconsidering.

You should soooo start a journal OG !!!!! I
lookin good man im subbed drop by my journal its in my sig if im correct you have 4 plants in one pot? this is probably y they rnt growing as much as the one in one pot even though they are the same age the other has much more root space while the 4 have to fight for it just my opionion tho but other than that everything is lookin very good keep it up.
lookin good man im subbed drop by my journal its in my sig if im correct you have 4 plants in one pot? this is probably y they rnt growing as much as the one in one pot even though they are the same age the other has much more root space while the 4 have to fight for it just my opionion tho but other than that everything is lookin very good keep it up.

Yea, I was figuring they were competing for root space.... its weird tho... they all turned out Fem.... except one i had to cut... There is no seperating them now... so.... they will just take longer to grow i guess. Thanks for the Sub ! I'm on my way to check your journal out now !
Looks good, greenpower000! That is a nice custom hood/socket setup you have there with the dual CFLs. My only suggestion at this point would be to get rid of the black sheeting and use Panda Film instead. Subbed! Feel free to check out my journals for some more CFL action :).
Looks good, greenpower000! That is a nice custom hood/socket setup you have there with the dual CFLs. My only suggestion at this point would be to get rid of the black sheeting and use Panda Film instead. Subbed! Feel free to check out my journals for some more CFL action :).

Where is a good place to get it? I used black cause that was the only thing i could find at This box used to be much more ghettoo before i started posting pics.
GUARD BEARS...ive seen this tactic. J/K :lol:

Good lookin freinds them bears got tho! (too man friends in one pot in the first one tho)


HE he he ..... yea, i just get to wonderin tho.... what thos damn bears do when the lights are out .. .hahahah

Yea, I had about 7 - 10 in the "multi pot" and really was just goofin ... but i thinned them out to 5, once all my others turned Male... in hopes to get 1 fem outta them.... then.. boom all 4.. I just didn't have the heart to chop all but one.

Thanks everyone for subbing... + rep to all !