Greetings from Canna!

Well, I am a "newbie" for sure when it comes to growing. I have tried for two years with outdoors because of where I live with the first year producing all males amounting to no more than 2 feet tall and no yield at all. This last year I did a little better with 4 plants amounting to no more than 2 1/2 feet tall and a yield totaling about 7 grams. I live on a mountain where the winter months are long and my desire is strong :) I have two possible locations to work with (half of a long narrow closet or a 3 drawer dresser that I could make into a stealth grow operation). I already have some good seeds that I got from someone I know who started to "mentor" me but at the end of last year he passed away :(. I don't have anything started yet but I think its about time I pick-up on what I kinda abandoned when he passed.