
Hello all... After a bunch of years "lurking" around the site and many more growing, I figured its time I actually got social...lmao.. So many wise and VERY smart people here that it makes sense that I join the ranks. Been using NFT now for around 8 yrs. My better half of 2 yrs has a home that is 6000sq ft. some of witch was still in a process of a large remodel, so I had free rein on a stealth room build. Res. sunk into the floors..mother and baby name it. A good friend raided his seed library for me to get going again so....HERE WE GO AGAIN......LOL. Should have Journals going up in about a week. Thanks in advance for all the wisdom you all have provided in the past and the future. I hope I can do the same as well.
cool. Are you a MMJ patient? Maybe try to become one or a caregiver.
No...not a Med Patient. Could be though. Laws in my area are still strict. Caregiving would be a rewarding option as it would give merit to a hobby I love. Thx for the welcome Weedasaurus & PeyoteReligion