greybeard seeds

i just tossed a lemon og gbpl was hermied, other one is ok so far. All my deadheads were crap. I have an unopened pack of strawberry cough fems(gbpl) and some opened packs for trade...I seek bohdi barefoot doctor or good medicine crosses
also an unopened pack grapefruit glue regs for trade (gbpl)
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Well my Greybeard fem seed plants are finishing up. Got 2 "Black Cheese" at 10 week flower, 2 "Bluebery Headband" at 8 weeks flower, and 1 "Chernobyl " at 9 weeks flower. I did have some hermi's on the "Chernobyl " but was my fault. It was only plant in the tent in 2 gallon airport and I missed watering that pot a couple times and it wilted twice. Stressed out caused the herms. Caught though and picked male flowers off, and no problems since. The plant are very nice, but no keepers for mothers in my opinion. Very happy with my experiance growing these strains from Greybeard private label. The "Blueberry Headband" are very nice. Will grow from Greybeard again.

What's the final results?

I've just got blocked by "Jack" is what he goes by in fb. Told him his all American beans he sold me didn't germinated. Bought 10 seeds if blue dream"which none germinated" n 10 seeds of blue cheese. All 10 blue cheese popped. But never grew. So I tossed everything out. Next time I'll just go ahead. N order str8 from the breeder themself.
I ordered 2 packs of 5 banana punch seeds. Didn't get half my order. Couldn't even get ahold of anyone to correct it. Since I went through Ethos' website, I contacted them to see if they had better contact information for greybeard seeds. They messaged them on greybeards website just like I did and got a response in seconds. Finally got someone named Robyn Curtiss. She basically only wanted to know why I contacted Ethos. Not only has my order not been fulfilled but now she won't even reply back......DO NOT ORDER from greybeard seed company. You might get your order...might not...and if you do and it isn't correct, good luck getting any customer service.
I ordered 2 packs of 5 banana punch seeds. Didn't get half my order. Couldn't even get ahold of anyone to correct it. Since I went through Ethos' website, I contacted them to see if they had better contact information for greybeard seeds. They messaged them on greybeards website just like I did and got a response in seconds. Finally got someone named Robyn Curtiss. She basically only wanted to know why I contacted Ethos. Not only has my order not been fulfilled but now she won't even reply back......DO NOT ORDER from greybeard seed company. You might get your order...might not...and if you do and it isn't correct, good luck getting any customer service.
A few years ago, I was one of "his" first customers. Shortly after that, is when all the accusations started to fly. This "Robyn Curtiss" person was the original alias, eventual it started Greybeards, and the other aliases started coming too. They all use names and titles, one day a woman is Robyn, next it is a guy. I have not had Facebook in several years, and it is surprising that he/she/it is still in business. When I go to Fastbud Seeds now, Greybeard Seeds is listed as an authorized dealer now. That is what lead me here, doing a google search on them because I recognized the name from several years back as being blacklisted a lot.

I had trouble germinating some seeds from them, and the guy was a super jerk about it. They have disclaimers on their site that say they don't guarantee germination. I wrote to tell him I was very disappointed, but wasn't going to ask for replacement seeds. He replied that he "would have" given me free seeds, but since I didn't want them, good luck to me. The conversation got nasty from there, including him blaming me for the seeds not germinating. I'm very experienced and wasn't having that.

I contacted FastBuds, the breeder of the seeds and they're replacing them all the way from Spain. Turns out Greybeard is not an authorized dealer. The guy just buys stuff in bulk, and probably doesn't take care of his stock.
Hope i don't have any problems i just bought from him fast delivery and i looked on fastbuds site he is a distributor now.
So I got the rest of my order and he threw in quite a few freebies for the wait. So I ordered some more. The banana punch are growing quite well. No problems so far.
Dont do it! Just ordered from them and they missed a pack. I emailed then to get it sent and he has been such an ass. Deleted my husband's acct on their site so we cant check if theres a new tracking number. Omg. It's been a nightmare


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Dont do it! Just ordered from them and they missed a pack. I emailed then to get it sent and he has been such an ass. Deleted my husband's acct on their site so we cant check if theres a new tracking number. Omg. It's been a nightmare

Did you also post your responses or did you make it look one sided? He can’t always give out slaps or freebies. I personally had wonderful experiences with him.
I’m glad you’re getting your complete order. Sad both parties started insulting each other. I do agree it’s unprofessional for him to start any name calling or throw out any type of insult. At the end of the day, he’s still human. I hope you find another Seed Bank that works for you. Try Neptune Seed Bank, they take pics of the order they’re sending out so you’ll never miss anything.
I wouldn't order anything from Oklahoma, maybe cowshit.. that's about it.

If you want seeds, use James bean seed company or Platinum seed bank. Both American. Great reputation, speedy delivery.
I have ordered from Seedsman several times and never had an issue. I have also ordered from greybeard a few times and no complaints there either. Greybeard is about 2 weeks faster for me... And shipping is much cheaper.
GreyBeardSeeds is indeed corrupt. We are working on an exposé regarding marijuana seed producers and distributors. is #4 on the list of shady seed swappers and #1 on the list of rude customer service. $300 plus $5 shipping was spent at The order arrived quickly. The only initial issue was that one of the two Bubba's Gift free seed samples had the cap open and the seed was resting at a bottom corner. Out of the 12 packages we received from this order, only three of the manufacturers utilized packaging that needed to be destroyed in order to access the seeds. Four of the packages were wooden seed boxes from Humboldt that have a very fancy wood stamp design with an encased glass tube that is secured at the side port hole via hot melt glue. We assumed that the glass tube was meant to be leveraged at the gap space near the opposite end of the port hole, and pushed out, releasing the hot glue bond. But it was actually the intention for the hot glue to be plucked out to access the seeds. The wooden nature of the box would easily show the markings of previously having been opened via either method chosen. The 707 Truthband was the only one of the four Humboldt cases that was "obviously" previously opened, and the seeds having been swapped with lesser quality seeds. It was the only one of the four wooden cases that released with no effort, the others were a struggle. There were two small flat head driver pluck indentations, and one flat head scrape at the port hole. Humboldt would not allow their fancy wooden cases to leave their stock in such condition, it is simple business, it would ruin their reputation.

Robin Curtiss is a fake name. is operated by a single stoner with a horrible attitude regarding customers. The way he has responded to people off the bat in such a sarcastic manner demonstrates a clear defensive attitude that is the byproduct of being a shady dealer. He speaks like an uneducated teen that believes he is untouchable. There are many satisfied customers, but what they do not realize is that any packaging they got, that allowed for seed swapping, was swapped in most situations. They were not growing what they paid for, unless the packaging was from,, or for instance, because their packaging must be torn or punctured. Avoid, and, because their packaging is pathetic and literally designed to attract third party shady entities like, because such third parties know they can swap the seeds. There is literally no way for anyone to defend a company that creates or sells packaging that is designed for seed swapping. And they are designed that way, don't kid yourself, it is not to save money.

We contacted GreyBeardSeeds via email and explained everything in a polite and professional manner,...

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 7:16 AM Flint Mich
"""Was pleased with my order except for the "Humboldt 707 Truthband". The way I release the glass tube from within the wood box is by placing a screw driver into the gap, and leveraging the tube until it slides out. It seemed logical to me until I seen that someone had used a small flat head driver to release the hot glue at the porthole. Someone at some point already plucked out the hot glue and likely stole the seeds then replaced with seeds of lesser quality. Out of the four Humboldt "3" seed packs that I got, only one had very obviously already been opened and it was the only tube that slid out with no effort. That indicated to me that I was likely accessing the seeds in a way that was not intended, but I still think my method is much easier and logical. Someone at your company is swapping seeds, or it may have happened at Humboldt's facility or by another party. I will have no way to verify the genetics until months from now. Not trying to grow an unknown plant. I find it unsettling that only three of the twelve packages I got were tamper proof. All of the others appear to be designed in a way that promotes seed swapping. Thanks for your time and quick shipping."""

The above email was designed to be polite, professional, and created by a single person. There is literally no excuse for any company to to respond in a harsh manner,...

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 9:57 AM Robin Curtiss
Thats silly, we dont "jack" with seeds. If you dont have confidence in our company and you believe we would do something like that, I would invite you to go somewhere else

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 9:09 AM Flint Mich
We spent $300 doing business with you, then took the time to present the issue as politely as possible, and you respond with attitude? The wooden case was very obviously previously opened, and for what other reason would that have happened? There were two pry indentations and one scrape scratch from the tool that was used, likely a small flat head driver. The rash way that you responded is unprofessional and not needed. Makes your company more suspect than Humboldt. I expected an offer of replacement, not advice to do business with another company. What normal person would get seeds that were tampered with and not mention it to the store? What normal person attempts to make their customer appear foolish by mentioning such an issue? And we already recommended yall to our friends, what a shame.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 9:43 AM Robin Curtiss
First, we dont tamper with packaging if there are tool marks its from Humboldt. You sent an email implying we cant be trusted. If thats how you feel you should but elsewhere. You basically subtly told us we were thiefs and you know it. As for packages that are not tamper proof? I'll be sure and pass along your concerns to those companies, as Im sure youre fully aware that I own them Have a nice day and take responsibility for your words. Shame on you

On Wed, Apr 16, 2020 at 10:30 AM Flint Mich
You basically subtly told us we were thiefs and you know it.
It is as if you have zero experience with customer response if that is how you react to a slight order issue from a client. You speak like a teen.
I'll be sure and pass along your concerns to those companies, as I'm sure your fully aware that I own them
In an effort to make your opponent appear foolish, you make up a scenario in which they assumed the wide range of different company names were owned by you.
Have a nice day and take responsibility for your words. Shame on you More straw man tactics. Your childish attempt to twist the conversation does not work in the business world. A customer that has an issue with a single item in a large order is not the one that needs to take responsibility for their words. It would be the seller that uses sarcasm and childish remarks that owns the shame. And the plural of thief is thieves. Word Nazi here, but a professional in business cares about presentation, or at the least, uses a spellcheck as a crutch.

As you can clearly see, doing business with such a worm is flat out dumb. Anyone that was satisfied with their order was taken for a fool and had their seeds swapped. The buds might have been nice, but it was not what you paid for. Also, it is confirmed that two of the posters to this very same topic that had nothing but positive things to say about GreyBeardSeeds, were the words of the owner by accounts created by the owner. Literally the first Google result is this topic, so he has known about his bad credibility for several years at this point. But his logic is that there are millions of other fools that will fall into the trap, who cares about the thousands that he already had his way with.

The seed swapping enabled packaging is similar to what the Dank vape packaging was all about. In that situation, a company simply produced the boxes, and shady third party people would purchase the boxes in bulk via and place their own watered down vape cartridges inside. Indeed, most companies source their packaging from other companies, but you know that your Frosted Flakes are the real deal because only one company fills them. Be smart, purchase ONLY from companies that protect their seeds, unless you enjoy being ripped off. Your testicles have a scrotum for a reason. If you would like free access to our results from this investigation or any other of our weedsearch, feel free to contact us.
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Darn I was just about to order from them :(
I'm currently doing my due diligence trying to find great beans at great prices. This will be my first ever attempt at growing and was going to go with an autoflower type. Since I'm getting a bad vibe from them off this thread (and don't want to risk bean swapping) which other reputable seed bank would you guys recommend to purchase autoflower beans?
Darn I was just about to order from them :(
I'm currently doing my due diligence trying to find great beans at great prices. This will be my first ever attempt at growing and was going to go with an autoflower type. Since I'm getting a bad vibe from them off this thread (and don't want to risk bean swapping) which other reputable seed bank would you guys recommend to purchase autoflower beans?
You can't go wrong with James bean or Platinum seeds..both are outstanding.. Platinum takes CC.
Great it looks like he just got me for 350 bucks. Wish I would have seen this thread sooner. Placed order last week for 25 private label green crack and the same for wifi glueberry. 50 seeds. Recieved 5 of each. Wow. If he makes it right I'll delete this post but if not..just wow.. what a low life
Dont do it! Just ordered from them and they missed a pack. I emailed then to get it sent and he has been such an ass. Deleted my husband's acct on their site so we cant check if theres a new tracking number. Omg. It's been a nightmare
I do t know when this thread is from but how did you finally get ahold of these ass hats, I'm going thru the b.s. rn.
Darn I was just about to order from them :(
I'm currently doing my due diligence trying to find great beans at great prices. This will be my first ever attempt at growing and was going to go with an autoflower type. Since I'm getting a bad vibe from them off this thread (and don't want to risk bean swapping) which other reputable seed bank would you guys recommend to purchase autoflower beans?
Following up on this. I ended up ordering from Greybeard. Ordered Green Gelato Autos and Trans Siberian Autos. Took a week to arrive and received what I ordered plus 2 free Bruce Banner Autos. It's a small order so I decided to try it out. No issues so far, packets look intact. Now to find out how many germinate.
if its grey beard personal line it could be anything in those packs, all seeds look similar. good luck, 150 days from now, if you work hard and do everything decent, you will see wtf he sent you...mine was hempy c
rap, mostly