Grinder or No Grinder?

Do you use a Grinder?

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Well-Known Member
Saw a discussion in someone's thread about feelings on using a grinder with your bud? Was a good discussion thought it should get its own thread.
So what's your personal preference when it comes to using a grinder?
Also what kinds do you like?

For my whole smoking career I was a scissors guy, super old school. About 2 years ago I decided to get a grinder, so I did some research and came to the conclusion I didn't want the Kief to be separated as I feel like that's the stuff I want in my joints:bigjoint::bigjoint:
So I settled on a Santa Cruz shredder and couldn't be happier.
Thing stays really clean in the pocket, just a little bit gets stuck on the teeth once in awhile that I just scrape off with a small bud stock, takes like 30 seconds once a week.
Like I said had this thing 2 years and I'm a heavy smoker and it's still really clean.
Just break it up Bang the peaces together to get out the loose stuff, then your finger if there's any residue still there and voila got a decent pile broken up.
Sorry for the rant.back to the question at hand.
Grinders are they good or bad?
Do you use them if so what type?
Kiefer catcher?
I hate kief catchers. I want to get high on weed now, not dust my dedusted weed later. I usually only use a grinder for joints, but that will probably change once I upgrade mine.

@bk78 is going to come in here and flex his god tier grinder.

Thanks for reminding me about it. I had completely forgot I ordered it. Wonder how much longer until it shows up lol
Free Trees grinder with vape from Puffitup. Surprised how little trichs this grinder removes, they stay sharp and work well. Retail is about $19 US. Only grind for certain vaporizers.
I hate kief catchers. I want to get high on weed now, not dust my dedusted weed later. I usually only use a grinder for joints, but that will probably change once I upgrade mine.

@bk78 is going to come in here and flex his god tier grinder.
Ya why wouldn't you want all the good stuff in your grinded up ganja? Puzzles me
When I was young in high school we used a plug in coffee
Would clean it out once in awhile and end up with a nice pile of what we called back then were crystal T's but now know it's called Kief.
Great story about the "crystal Ts", have a older cousin by about 10-15 years who blazed large and was old school, absolutely loved hash and would usually do a what I thought at the time was a large amount of b.t(bottle tokes) we just called them T's about 10 or so. So when he came over one time one of my older brothers asked him if he wanted some T's? Obviously he said yes so my bro busted him out his usual 10 T's of but of the crystal Ts :clap::hump:
He had no clue about these things and boy was he baked. Wouldn't leave my brothers room for hours for fear of seeing my mom(who he had seen when he was baked 1000s of times and obviously knew he blazed) was pretty hilarious.
Yes I use a grinder, the resin was stopping the two halfs fitting together, when I cleaned it got 0.6g of resin off it and a piece of what feels like soft black from the outside :spew:
The knurling around the rims imo is a must that shit can go like glue with a bit of friction heat, even with knurling it can be sticky.
Yes I use a grinder, the resin was stopping the two halfs fitting together, when I cleaned it got 0.6g of resin off it and a piece of what feels like soft black from the outside :spew:
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The knurling around the rims imo is a must that shit can go like glue with a bit of friction heat, even with knurling it can be a stick.
That thing reminds me of those super old school baseball gloves from like the 1890s all haggard and gross
Lol I smoke so many joints I just use my 'buster'. Coffee grinder. I smoke 4 joints and drink 2 tallboys bbqing chicken breasts. Lol. If I could find an automatic buster/roller that could roll a joint half as good as I can I'd buy it but nothing's come close to these skilled hands.
I can bust a quarter in less than 30 seconds.
Got all kinds of hand busters, pollen catcher blah blah just sits there in one of the weed drawers keeping the others company
Mind you the one that comes with the volcano is pretty good
I don't miss the keif. That is until I'm scraping bottom and voila! Beautiful little pile of keif begging to be torched.
That was before I started growing. Now? I turn it into hash.
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