

Well-Known Member
i got this grinder as a gift but i think its time to upgrade. can any of you recomend me something good? i just want it to fit good in hand and to be heavy.

I wouldn't mind a decent grinder but knurling around the rims would be a must.
I had one with a crank handle that was ideal but a bit bulky for out and about, my crappie one is discrete.

And a bit old lol


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Brilliant cut grinder is the best I’ve ever used, everyone I’ve ever shown mine has all bought one since.
This grinder, has changed my life.

For real though, I was just thanking BK for recommending the Brilliant Cut. Your grinders are all trash in comparison. It hurts my heart to see so many of you working with anything less. Might as well be using a mortal and pestle.
This grinder, has changed my life.

For real though, I was just thanking BK for recommending the Brilliant Cut. Your grinders are all trash in comparison. It hurts my heart to see so many of you working with anything less. Might as well be using a mortal and pestle.
No way man. I wouldn't waste my money on that one. They only have 3 piece versions, and no screen. But whatever. It's your money.