grinding weed and clean bongs


Active Member
just wanted to share something with everybody out there that smoked, has tried smoking, and is yet to try smoking. i used to be against marijuana because i was uneducated about it and always just believed what i had been taught. earlier this year i tried smoking weed for the first time in my entire life and was honestly really nervous when i did it. i remember becoming so anxious , being more anxious than i'd ever been in my entire life. after a little while i caught the buzz and remember just sitting in my room listening to music and just smiling. in those short hours i had experienced something awesome and had determined that i would change my views about marijuana. ever since i have been a regular smoker, not smoking every day but using marijuana as medicine for anxiety and a.d.d. problems. well i had bought my very first pipe from a local head shop but hated how the smoke burned my lungs. the first time i had ever smoked though was through a bong and knew that bongs cooled the smoke down. so after a couple of weeks i was talking to somebody who offered to give me her old bong. so i gladly said yea of course i want it. ever since then i've been using a bong and nothing else. i have always just ripped up my weed with my hands and didnt really know if i was doing everything perfectly still but just knew that i was still getting high because of the bong. every now and then i will smoke with a buddy and knew that when i hit his bong the high felt much different. i had noticed that my buddy Always ground up his weed with a grinder so i decided that i would get one of my own and see if that made a difference in getting high. well i guess you could say i was glad i bought a grinder because i did notice a difference in the weed being grinded up compared to me just breaking it up with my hands. now even though the high felt better it still wasnt all that it could be. today i was bored and felt like cleaning my bong really really good because i noticed there was quite a buildup of resin on the slide so after cleaning the slide and bong really good i noticed that the hole in the slide seemed much bigger. i had no idea that when i smoked later this would have a big effect on the smoke being inhaled. earlier today, the time had come where i needed some medicine and decided to grind up a little weed, pack a bowl, and hit the bong. im still new to the grinded up weed remember but im not expecting anything better than the high i've been getting. well much to my surprise, the bigger hole in the slide created a lot more air flow and i noticed that the weed was burning a lot hotter and the smoke inside of the bong was a lot more dense than it normally is. well as soon as i cleared the chamber i noticed that the weed tasted a lot better than normal and actually felt like i got punched in the chest after exhaling. i kind of shook my head and realized that i had just taken a really really good hit for the first time in a while and immediately wanted to let everybody know that grinding up your weed is the best way to go and please make sure that you keep your bongs and pipes as clean as possible because it will make smoking weed that much more enjoyable and appreciated. thanks for reading. im going to go rest my fingers now after typing out all of this, holler.