GroErr Grows...

Ive always wondered but was afeared to ask... if you start a male and a female at the same time and they grow up together in the same garden.. the male must mature far more quickly, yes? So that the pollen can, fly and get the girls pollinated in time for them to carry the seeds to maturity, yes?

So does the time line look like... the males compared to the females?
Yeah depends a bit on the strain but typically males will be ready to start opening up the sacs around the 20-25 day mark. BUT, when you put a male in at the same time as the females, they'll always be ready when the girls are ready to party. It's like they synch up, gotta love nature. That Blue Ripper male is always fully matured and ready to collect the pollen around Day 23-25.

Some of the pods on that male are actually open now but maybe 5% so far. If you zoom in just below the purple flowers on that male, you'll see one fully opened with his "bananas" ready to go :)

If I'm pollinating with existing pollen I like to hit them around Day 21-23, by that time the flowers are ready on the females and gives them a good 5-6 weeks to build fatty's :) I waited a few extra days and just hit 2 of them to see if I can get the Blue Dream x Harlequin P1 fem to take some pollen. Something went wrong last time I hit it so giving it another shot Used Blue Ripper pollen and Blue Ripper x Harlequin to test as I know the Blue Ripper pollen is good (it made some seeds on other plants last round).
Male plant will start making pollen sacs as soon as it's sexed and IME they show a little faster than the girls. I've heard it takes around 2 weeks for the sacks to begin to open. So by the time pistils are good and set the pollen will more than likely be out with more pollen sacs forming. I've never bred anything though, and cull males as soon as they are identified so my answer is just an educated guess so to speak, just wanted to add my 2 cents.
2 weeks is definitely on the high end of sexing and getting them out of there if you're not looking to pollinate. Some of the sacs will start opening early and it takes so little pollen to hit your whole crop.
yeah i have always got them out as soon as identified. Last thing I want is a whole room of seeds at this point. I am considering throwing a little around next round. I hate I chucked my FB male now, it was super vigorous, and had a strong scent through veg. Might just try and self one of the clones, got a lot of learning to do though.
yeah i have always got them out as soon as identified. Last thing I want is a whole room of seeds at this point. I am considering throwing a little around next round. I hate I chucked my FB male now, it was super vigorous, and had a strong scent through veg. Might just try and self one of the clones, got a lot of learning to do though.
Yeah controlled pollination is better for sure - lol Lots of ways to go with crosses/seeds, keeps it interesting. Gotta have patience and find the right phenos, I've had really good results just crossing what I'd consider keepers. Males are more difficult but going with the smelly/vigorous males is a good bet. That Blue Ripper male smells strong in flowering as well as the stem rubs in veg, if I had to worry about the smell I'd have to run a carbon filter for the last couple of weeks. It's made some nice babies. So far that Blue Ripper line has shown that if I get a strong stem rub in veg, I end up with a keeper male or female, the females with that trait have all finished around 8 weeks too :)
Great thread. May I inquire as to the current 315cmh reflector (if any)/ballast/bulb combo you'd recommend for a 3x3? Maybe the best combo and the best budget combo?

I was looking at this:


Thank you for all the great info already and if you're able to drop a recommendation that'd be much appreciated

Great thread. May I inquire as to the current 315cmh reflector (if any)/ballast/bulb combo you'd recommend for a 3x3? Maybe the best combo and the best budget combo?

I was looking at this:

View attachment 3894612

Thank you for all the great info already and if you're able to drop a recommendation that'd be much appreciated

Hey bad timing I haven't been able to login since this post. Can't see the pics any more until they figure out the site issues but Ceramic Science I think it was and should be cheaper than that. Check out the link below for growershouse, the ballast conversion kit and bulb would be ~$248, then you'd need to add a reflector, ideally vertical but those bulbs will run horizontal.

You're probably better off posting some questions in this thread as there's a lot of guys running 315's from different manufacturers in there.
Head anything on getting pics back. Your girls must be shoo k not being in the glamour page! Lol. My bitches are. Ig pig0959
Lol, just getting logged in since the site went down, been a while wholly crap. Just as well I've been out of it with a flu bug that's kept me in bed for the last few days. Brutal, never had one this bad, and it's not a "man flu", my GF has it and was whining worse than I've been - lol

Took some bud shots but they haven't figured out the pic issue yet, I can't upload anything and even existing pics aren't showing up :(
Ugh. Hate to hear about the flu. Had that about month ago knock my yep in the dirt. Miss you post. Feel better soon. Must of been pretty medicated on my last post here.jesus.
Hey Gro, I was waiting for it to come back.

Who the fuck would waste a bot army to shut down Roll It up?

Onward and upward,

Hey Gro, I was waiting for it to come back.

Who the fuck would waste a bot army to shut down Roll It up?

Onward and upward,


it doesnt take an army anymore unless you're doing something massive. you can run a ddos program and take down most sites
Hey Gro, I was waiting for it to come back.

Who the fuck would waste a bot army to shut down Roll It up?

Onward and upward,

Cheers JD. still can't post any pics though!! Not so sure I'm buying the DoS explanation or why they're taking so long to get their pics back up unless those servers that store/serve up images are on a segment that's still under attack. Or they were using hosted servers that happened to be also hosting the child porn anon was targeting.

it doesnt take an army anymore unless you're doing something massive. you can run a ddos program and take down most sites
Way too easy, there are ways to block them now but it costs $$, skills, proper configuration and most sites run on a shoestring budget for security.

RE: Anonymous: Anyone see the irony in hackers taking down the dark web? It's kind of like burning down your own playground - lol
jonesin' for my GroErr porn......
Lol, getting a bit shaky over here, can't even get my daily Who's Got The Frostiest Buds fix $%#! Hope your ski conditions are good over there Bob, sucking dirt up here all season so far. We got a few inches over the last couple of days and I couldn't get out (don't have the energy to even strap up my boots never mind ski). Now today it's 37F and melting :(
Lol, getting a bit shaky over here, can't even get my daily Who's Got The Frostiest Buds fix $%#! Hope your ski conditions are good over there Bob, sucking dirt up here all season so far. We got a few inches over the last couple of days and I couldn't get out (don't have the energy to even strap up my boots never mind ski). Now today it's 37F and melting :(
we,ve had record snow this year, but also more rain days than Iv ever seen.
I was supposed to be in Mammoth last week to test next years equipment for a shop in my local mountains, but they clocked 131mph winds at mid mountain two days before the event !
then it rained for two days, they have since received 54" Im shootin for this coming week for 3 or 4 days. Hope ya feel better soon, I got hit with a chest thing during our last dump here so I missed the "great" days. goona be a looong season a Mammoth this year, Im not stressin'
I skied wed - fri local, 64*F...snow was soft to say the least....
we,ve had record snow this year, but also more rain days than Iv ever seen.
I was supposed to be in Mammoth last week to test next years equipment for a shop in my local mountains, but they clocked 131mph winds at mid mountain two days before the event !
then it rained for two days, they have since received 54" Im shootin for this coming week for 3 or 4 days. Hope ya feel better soon, I got hit with a chest thing during our last dump here so I missed the "great" days. goona be a looong season a Mammoth this year, Im not stressin'
I skied wed - fri local, 64*F...snow was soft to say the least....
Some crazy swings, sounds like we may need to get used to it, feast or famine as they say. Enjoy, hope you get out this week with that fresh stuff!
we,ve had record snow this year, but also more rain days than Iv ever seen.
I was supposed to be in Mammoth last week to test next years equipment for a shop in my local mountains, but they clocked 131mph winds at mid mountain two days before the event !
then it rained for two days, they have since received 54" Im shootin for this coming week for 3 or 4 days. Hope ya feel better soon, I got hit with a chest thing during our last dump here so I missed the "great" days. goona be a looong season a Mammoth this year, Im not stressin'
I skied wed - fri local, 64*F...snow was soft to say the least....

I heard Mammoth plans to stay open to July 4 this year, incredible. Let it snow!!