Ground Soil? Potting soil? Pots?


New Member
Hello everyone, It seems my threads get viewed 100 + times but nobody replies. ;)

My friend (who is valid to smoke MMJ, and grow it) has his hands on some attitude seeds, 60 TNR KC's..

The soil is pretty decent where he is, lots of decomposing trees that were downed in a storm a few years ago.. Otherside of a trail with a culvert of natural nute water.

He wants to know what soil prep is nessicary, if he should buy buckets, how big?

Should he dig holes and use potting soil?

Thanks! kiss-ass:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah dig holes and fill it with your own potting soil. What I did was dig a hjole, then mix 50% of the lands soil with 50% of my own soil and put it all together in the hole, which is about 2 feet deep and 1 foot wide ( you can make them bigger).

Since yur frd has a strain that is supposed to grow big, I suggest he dig nice BIG holes. And he will get monster plants.

eyes ableed

Well-Known Member
Hey im also wondering whether i should plant in 25 gallon pots of my own super soil or plant them in the ground. The spots i have prepared had high field grass over them and their were a shitttttttt load of roots in the ground. Their is 2 big thorn bushes remaining after i chopped the other 2 away. I also saw rabbit holes 2-3 feet away from the site its about 15-20 feet in diameter no trees in the way for the most part so im expecting atleast 12-13 hours of sunlight. The strains i have are alaskan ice, himilayan gold, and kings kush their all femd seeds. If any1 could suggest what i should do for each strain to reach full potential plz tellllll :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
its best to used the topsoil from your plot try mixing it 50/50 with your own soil, like Fox farm ocean harvest. Then add some perlite to aerate the soil. you can even dig holes and put pots in there, its will reduce your yeild but she will be more potent as all the nutes stay in the pot and dont flood out. peace.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Why haul dirt into the woods when you can amend the soil that is already there.Most county extension services will test your soil for free and give you a print out of what is needed to make the soil right.It will tell you the ph and what and how much nutes are needed.This works great unless the soil is pure clay.
I did this for all of my outdoor grows and never used any potting soil.With the soil amended from the get go you will use less nutes,and less work.
Just tell them it is for your garden and you are growing tomatoes.OPH


Well-Known Member
im debating the same thing for this year. i think im gunna dig holes and place the pot inside the hole. im thinking fox farm soil and maybe top soil over the top. u can try that


Well-Known Member
K let me give you guys the lowdown, planting in the ground is better FOR THE PLANTS GROWTH. Directly in the ground will let your plant freely develop its root system and get the valuable micronutirents in the earthy soil, not to mention the nutrients from your soil you filled the hole with.

Planting in pots will not give you this advantage, forces the plants to have a limited root system. The advantages I see of planting in a pot is that you can move them around, which in the long run might be more benficial due to the fact that you can move them in emergency situations, and perhaps save your whole ahrvest, whereas when they are in the ground, well, they are stuck there.

uncle jimbo

Active Member
just read the post, where are u guys, im in the uk and when ever i try gorila growin some thin always goes wrong, either the wind has them in early stages or fuckin slugs caterpillars etc and af i get past them the cold gets them a month before cultavatig time. alwys get good results in green house tho.