Grove Bags?

I just received 20 of the windowed 1/4 lb bags, but haven’t had a chance to cure in them so I can only comment on shipping and my initial impression for the quality of the bags. I ordered from the grove bags website.

Shipping was $20 and my 20 grove bags came folded in half in a green plastic bag… The green plastic bag did a poor job protecting the grove bags and the bag on the outside of the fold obtained a small tear during shipping. So order more than you need because their packaging (or lack thereof) leaves a lot to be desired. Shipping costs also seem inflated when compared to other online retailers. The only shipper was FedEx, cheapest option being $20.

As for build quality, the bags are thinner than 10mm (5mm each side) $25 mylar food storage bags I got from Amazon (for a package of 100 in assorted sizes). The film making up the grove bags also feel less durable, but this could be partly due to the grove bags not having any foil between layers of plastic, unlike the mylar bags. Additionally, the grove bag zipper feels cheesy in comparison to the generic mylar bags.

I’ll update in a month or so after I’ve had a chance to cure with them.
It’s been a few months and all I can say is that I’m now a believer in curing via grove bags. Boxed up all my jars. Maybe I can use them for canning veggies from the garden or something. Lol
Ya. They sent my orders in green plastic bags. I was a little disappointed when they came. But the next day I got that heavy ass box of the Dragons and was happy. I'll do some strength testing. I also plan to watch the RH in each bag or jar when they get something in them.
It's been a while. What was your verdict re: Grove vs. Dragons?