Grow # 2, 2.5, and 3.

Willy Nilly

Active Member
Well folks... I started my 1st grow about 3 to 4 weeks after Trenton. So it was quite a revelation to watch his grow, while seeing mine up close.
3x1000w HPS, 8" HO Can Fan, Fox Farm Nutes, 3 Gal pots, Power flower soil.
Bought clones and was off to what i thought was a good start.
Let me tell ya... it was the most horrendous begining that a novice could have.
I had Mites, heat issues, powdery mildew, burned plants, bad drainage, and I didn't know shit from shineola... if I was any more honest I'd have to call my self a retard and that in itself would still be a disgrace and an insult to any one that is retarded. I just plain old sucked, and really thought about quitting the whole experiment.
Sooooo.... with my tail tucked firmly (read: imbedded between my arse cheeks) behind me I harvested my severly burned three quarters of a pound from nearly 50 plants (OUCH).
Yes I'm going out on a limb and exposing my failure... To let everyone know that they won't have Trenton like success to start, and that starting big (somewhat) is a serious challenge to wallet, time, and sanity.

[Will continue with pics, and dialogue for your laughter, but hopefully to help someone too.]:mrgreen:

Willy Nilly

Active Member
I stayed away (from the forum)... mostly because i was busy trying to learn. Taking the steps to recover and set my goals firmly, while cleaning my room after a disastrous harvest to ensure I didn't repeat the same steps and endure the same tragedy.
I made the decision (somewhat reluctantly) to keep at it and learn from past mistakes while picking up more information and staying hungry for knowledge.

So with many things learned from one grow I set off to make my room better.
Vented the lights. (So I could move the lights closer to the plants)
Moved the ballasts from the room. (to remove a heat source)
Airated my water, and got a large reservoir. ( Stoped using one gallon containers).
Got a huge water pump, hose, and sprayer (To shorten the watering process).
Got a dehumidifier. (When you have shitty plants humidity usually isn't a problem)

Most important thing I've learned? Make your own mistakes, READ READ READ, and know that you get out what you put in.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
With all the time & money spent on just starting your first grow, I would have put my money on you. My first Indoor grow had a lot of the same problems. 13 Rejuvies, one 1000 HPS on track lighting, air cooled hood vent. Burning wasn't a problem until the plants out-grew the room height, then I was f-cked. Improper venting, or lack of. Mold , humidity & spider mites had their way. It was a mess at the end of the flowering stage. Other than learning from our mistakes, the other important thing to learn is when they say this & that in the Grow Guides, they mean what they say. Moving the ballast outside the area is a smart move. It wasn't until AFTER the f-cking harvest that I learned that liquid seaweed would kill spider mites. I don't think you can beat the track-lighting system. You may want to check out the pros & cons. I moved outside for the Spring to Fall season.
3 Gal pots are a bit small, so smart-ass me orders 5 gal pots... about the same size as 3 gal pots, too small really. I think the Mosser Peat Moss is really a good thing-holds 20 X's it's weight in water & ferts, but mix it in well with the soil, laying on the surface is worthless. Nursery pots has TOO much drainage. We all got to start somewhere. Good/better Luck Dude.

Willy Nilly

Active Member
2 weeks to go... any idead on how to finish it up?
I have 2 strains growing.. one a hybrid trainwreck strain and Purple Nepal.
All and any advice is welcome on how to finish'em up.
My plan was to take them off of all nutes in about 3 days... Just water with molasses, maybe use some hum tea, and kool bloom to the finish.
Send them to total darkness for the last 48 to 72 hours.
Any comments?
