Grow a clone, take a clone, grow it, take a clone, grow it?


Active Member
Wasn't sure how to title this thread. Here goes...

I am waiting for some AK48 fem seeds. I only have 5 coming. I want to grow all 5, take clones and continue to take clones from either the mother or take clones from a previously cloned plant.

How long can I grow from just these 5 seeds assuming I take clones over and over and over, etc.

Is there a point where the strain looses genetics or potency or whatever.

Sorry for my lack of terminology. I am a noob and still learning.

Is it best to havea mother for clones or in each crop, create a few clones from a plant in the veg stage?

Thanks for your responses.


Well-Known Member
When taking clones i usually grow a fem plant from seed and keep this as a mother plant. Just keep taking clones from the one mother plant. I dont know about taking a clone from a clone from a clone and so on. But your 1 mother plant can supply you with cuttings for crop after crop. Just keep the mother in 24hr lighting and you are sorted.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i clone from aclone from a clone. as soon as i can cut a clone from a clone i do..


Well-Known Member
Clone On Brothers!!!

you can clone a clone from a clone of a clone forever! dont believe me? AlB.Fuct has been cloning of clones of the same strain/original clone for almost ten years!​


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i had the same question do the genetics or anything change after a while of cloning clones?
so far no. the high is still as intence as the first cut clone, however the plants get bigger. and if i cut them 4 weeks or longer in flower the bigger and busher the plant is, and more of a yield off them..:hump: take a bit longer to vert back but well worth the time if you have it to play with....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Clone On Brothers!!!

you can clone a clone from a clone of a clone forever! dont believe me? AlB.Fuct has been cloning of clones of the same strain/original clone for almost ten years!​
almost two years hear..... my big bud strain and my indaca strain.....


Well-Known Member
so far no. the high is still as intence as the first cut clone, however the plants get bigger. and if i cut them 4 weeks or longer in flower the bigger and busher the plant is, and more of a yield off them..:hump: take a bit longer to vert back but well worth the time if you have it to play with....
is that a greenhouse your in in your avy, old buddy? if so im jealous.

hows things?


Well-Known Member
don't be jealous just help me trim when time comes......LOL i have 8 ft of head room well see...
dont tease, i never been to oregon and i actualy love trimming. flying to LA for the first time this weekend though...BIG(100,000 people) party:hump::hump:


Active Member
Looks like my question answered as well. I have 2 Aurora females that I have cloned just prior to 12-12. I let the clones veg in one cabinet while the first set is flowering(about 7-8 weeks). I get a nice harvest of good bud every 8 weeks. More than enough for me and the wife....


New Member
don't be jealous just help me trim when time comes......LOL i have 8 ft of head room well see...
Man I wish u were closer to prtland. Lol. I would be all over helpin ya.... Fer say a clone? Haha.
Like I said in another thread I have NO factual bases behind this and honestly can't find where I read it but my understanding cloning clones and such can cause depression in turn messing with the potency. This has obviously been proven to not be the case two post up but it does seem unnatural.


Well-Known Member
but it does seem unnatural.
your right, it does seem unnatural. so does HID lighting, rockwool, chem nutes, co2 enrichment, hydroponics in its entirety...need i go on?

the fact is that all the genetic material and all the neccessary cells to grow a complete plant are in a clone. it essentially grows the exact plant the cutting was taken from. so why couldnt you continue to take cuttings from it, its the same plant.