grow bag help!!!


i just need to know if i need to cut holes in the bottom of the bag for drainage and if so should i put something under that


Well-Known Member
dont yours have holes already punched? mine do on the bottom and then on the sides they have another set of holes. If they dont then yes, you should punched holes in the bottom. I dont use a tray or nothing under the plant in its grow area because i water over a bucket(got a screen like thing that works perfect with setting the plants on it over the hole.) Then i proceed to water as normal, but heres an important part, let them drain for 20-30 minutes or until its completely stopped draining and if you turn it no more water comes out and none comes out when you pick it up or set it down, Then return the plant to its normal place.then just gotta open the window in the next room and dump the bucket/s out the window. I guess you could move it to the sink, but im lazy and use alot of water. lol


well i have got them yet just starting to buy everything for the room today so just making sure i know a head of time what ill need to do but thanks that help
Your grow bags are just fine the way they come.It has enough holes for drainage.I use grow bags cheap and easy to move and dispose of.